Welp, no idea about Melodias since I haven't watched the series, so I'm just gonna go with what is on his profile for now.
His abilitie to reflect and disperse elemental attacks may be a problem to Quote, since most of his weapons are of that nature, however, it states that melodias is not able to attack him directly during the time he's using this abilitie, and that he won't be able to use it if he can't read the movement and the time of the attack. Since most of Quote's weapons are based in a straightforward nature, most of his weapons are out use, however, stuff like the fireball, with it's capability to bounce on wall, and the bubbline, with the abilitie to create dozens of smaller projectiles whitout a define structure and that can follow Quote wherever he is and that he can shoot them whenever he wants, will be a problem to Melodias if he keeps using this abilitie, also counting the fact that Quote can attacks every time he wants with every other weapons in the time he launches only one attacks, so he could be able to overpower him with a lot of projectiles if he uses the reflective abilitie to counter Quote's weapons.
In terms of intelligence, those 3000 years is a massive advantage in expirience, so a close combat is out of the way, which is lucky for Quote, since he is strictly a range fighter. And the fact that Melodias projectiles and attacks are very simple slashes, or straightforward, which means Quote would be able to easily dodge them, considering that he's capable of dodging stuff like the danmaku from the Doctor, and survive his run in the Blood Sanctuary, not counting the advantage in movement he has thanks to his jetpack, which means he would be all the time moving and shooting at him whitout stopping.
We also need to count King's sword for Quote, which unleashes a barrage of slashes in a omnidirectional manner, that I hardly think Melodias would be able to counter, even with his abiliti to disperse attacks.
His clones would also not be that big of a challenge, since Quote's whimsical stars should be more than enough to keep them far away from hitting him, and even if they can get close enough, he can use the bubbline to create a shield to cover himself from their attacks. And the fact that they are weaker means that only one touch from the stars, or the bubbles would be enough to disperse them. (Also, King's sword could also help here, since the omnidirectional slashes can destroy the clones way faster then any of the other 2 weapons i've mention)
Due to the terrain taking place in half a destroyed village, means that there are still houses around, wich means Quote can use his map to identify the terrain, and he can use the Snake to attack Melodias in places where he could not see him coming.
If Quotes takes some serious damage, he can use the life pot to completly heal, and keep on fighting for much longer then Melodias can handle, since this form doesn't have the healing, if I read correctly.
Also, Quote is technically stonger in AP, since Melodias AP is only Small City level, while Quote is Small City level
+, so his attacks should hurt him more, and Melodias attacks shouldn't affect that much Quote, even with the reflect.
I vote Quote.
(Also, 15 bumps?, what with these people, they don't know whats good