- 168,861
- 77,871
After receiving input from most of the staff, the bureaucrats in this wiki have decided to promote the following members:
Discussion Moderators: ShiroyashaGinSa, DarkGrath
Content Moderator: Jvando
My congratulations to all of them, and please make them feel welcome below.
Monkey Dunno was also offered a position as a calc group member, but declined due to limited available time. The position is open for him in the future if he should change his mind though.
As usual, special thanks to AKM sama for doing all of the hard work of organising the staff survey.
Here are pages that are useful for the new staff members to read:
Discussion Moderators
Content Moderators
Advice to the staff of the VS Battles wiki
After receiving input from most of the staff, the bureaucrats in this wiki have decided to promote the following members:
Discussion Moderators: ShiroyashaGinSa, DarkGrath
Content Moderator: Jvando
My congratulations to all of them, and please make them feel welcome below.
Monkey Dunno was also offered a position as a calc group member, but declined due to limited available time. The position is open for him in the future if he should change his mind though.
As usual, special thanks to AKM sama for doing all of the hard work of organising the staff survey.
Here are pages that are useful for the new staff members to read:
Discussion Moderators
Content Moderators
Advice to the staff of the VS Battles wiki