Funny thing, I actually tried pushing my hand against a scale. Depending on how hard you push against it, you can get a heavier weight. More importantly that seems more like a showcase of "Hitting harder than your weight is". It's a feat, but you don't need SR or LSR to do that.
Er... The light thing is really weird. I can't really contest that since others saw that. But that doesn't seem like an LSR to me. Seems more like an ability to actually unleash light and an image of a smiling demon with how fearsome they are. This might be the strongest argument you have but that's mostly because it's kinda vague, but even then it's not really a showing of LSR.
@ Musashi Okay this one's a good one, but again, that's not really LSR. That's like phantom pain again. No actual cuts induced. Sure he feels it, but it's not real.
This one's good too on the weight but again, you don't need LSR for this one. It's another one of that "Looks imposing as **** that you look like something" or etc