>Hmm that range applies to his overall range. He doesn't have planetary range with passive reiatsu, or if he does pls do show me humans on the other side of the world getting passively reiatsu crushed.
I believe that normally his range is normally a lot smaller than planetary, but Yhwach can make it so that his
Reiatsu is affecting areas all over the planet.
>It's not exactly power null. It's still a form of power null since it makes abilities not work on Amane, but that's different from stripping Yhwach from his powers. Yhwach gained his powers back after being turned into an "ant" power wise. Amane's power isn't that, it's his passive protection that you can't hurt him. If you try to attack him, the attack will go through, though it won't work on him (it will work anywhere else). So yes his reiatsu ain't crushing him past his passive probability and fate protection (yes the protection is mostly just fate haxing or prob haxing so that Amane will come out fine in the end, it doesn't directly null powers, it just saves Amane from said powers, which is why my argument didn't go like "Amane nulls gg" cus his powers don't do that passively).
Ichibe didn't just strip Yhwach of his powers, he changed the meaning of Yhwach's being, by taking his "name" from him - and thus his powers as well - while giving him the "name" Black Ant and giving him those powers.
Yhwach was able to resist that effect and use his Almighty to nullify the ability. "Making the energy not work properly" is not better than that, and if Yhwach can resist that, then he can overpower Amane's power.
So even if you think that his Reiatsu won't immediately just crush Amane - which it most likely will, then Yhwach can just nullify the effect.
>Are we just saying "lol it's similar, nice"
That's exactly what I am saying.
Having your very thoughts, your dreams become reality, is very much the same ability for both Gremmy and Amane.
>Yes but his info manip is only for the abilities "he sees being used". And to my knowledge he has never "understood" an ability as complex as Nameless Glory, with every ability being capable of a single effect usually (prob manip, causality manip, creation etc). Yhwach's ability is only for the powers he can see having a visible effect (from what i remember, i may be wrong). Understanding and nulling the full extent of Nameless Glory would be like completely nulling Medaka Kurokami's arsenal, cus he saw 1 of her dozens of powers being used.
All the power that belongs he sees in the future will become known to him - it doesn't have to be a physical ability, where did you get that?
By that logic, then
As Nodt or
Jugram Haschwalth could beat Yhwach because their abilities are non-physical.
As long as the ability is being used, he will see it, he will know it, and he will nullify it while simultaneously becoming immune to said ability.
And what? How is Nameless Glory "too complex"?
Yhwach's Almighty is superior to Jurgram's passive probability manipulation, Uryu and Orihime's Causality Manipulation, Ichibe's Conceptual manipulation, Gremmy's reality warping which gave him numerous other abilities such as BFR, Transmutation, Death Manipulation,
Type 5 Immortality, etcetera.
Not to mention, a byproduct of Yhwach's own power, Still Silver,
was able to negate ALL of Yhwach's abilities - including the Almighty, so he should be able to negate his own Fate Manipulation as well.
Comparing Nameless Glory to Medaka's entire arsenal is faulty because Nameless Glory is Amane's entire arsenal - it is the basis of every other power he has. The origin for which everything he has was spawned - that's a major weakness, not a benefit. It's like a series circuit, if you shut off the main power, then the rest go away as well.
And once again, a similar thing to Gremmy. Gremmy's power is reality warping via thinking, but with it, Gremmy can create life and bestow powers on to them, he can kill people, he can turn a person's bones to cookies, erase his own death, etcetera. He too has many abilities that stem from his singular one.
So not only has Yhwach's Almighty have superiority and/or negated every power that Amane has, but he also has superiority of a person with an ability that grants that person other abilities.
Amane gets nulled.
>And Yhwach's fate manip is useless here, as it won't be able to help. In a fight Passive vs Active, the passive stomps. If he gets passively fate haxed, he can't actively reverse that with his own fate hax. Since he'll be under it's effect.
This is not true at all. Having fate passively work for you doesn't stop others from altering fate if they have the ability. It's just a non-active way of using the ability.
Amane's fate manipulation is akin to Supernatural Luck, in that fate is manipulated because it accompanies his desires - that doesn't negate others from manipulating fate or rewriting fate, espeically if said person's active fate manipulation is stronger - which Yhwach's is, as it can manipulate all of Fate.
For example, let's say that you are bowling. It is your second throw, and you have one pin you need to hit. As you throw the bowling ball, there are two possible options - you miss the pin, or you hit it getting a spare.
If you are passively having fate benefit you, then that means you will hit the pin, getting the spare - but that doesn't stop someone else from using their precognition to see the fate of the ball, and actively making it so your bowling ball misses the pin with their stronger fate powers.
>And the resistance to causality doesn't apply here. That resistance to causality is only for offensive purposes, not defensive ones. His actions cannot be undone via causality reversal, that doesn't mean Amane can't just go like "causality is dead to me" and induce effects on him. So yes it's resistance to causality but that only applies to his actions (his actions are permanent), he has no showings of resisting abilities which ignore the process of causality.
The Almighty is superior to Uryu's Antithesis, which is an ability that can switch the states between any two things. Including wounds.
So even if Yhwach's resistance is not enough, nor not applicable or whatever, his Almighty should just negate it.
In conclusion, Amane either dies instantly, or gets nulled and then dies instantly.
This is a stomp for Yhwach.