- 301
- 12
Zamasu has 100 years of prep before each fight.
Zamasu has extensive knowledge of every 2-C on the site but doesn't know the order he will fight his opponents in.
Zamasu is bloodlusted.
Any injuries or power ups between fights carry over between them.
His opponents get 10 minutes of prep time but no knowledge of Zamasu.
Notes: This is Xenoverse Zamasu so he is still quite intelligent and capable of spreading outside of time. I understand this may seem like the deck is stacked in Zamasu's favour but I feel that it is necessary for him not to be absolutely stomped by the other 2-Cs. If I'm not supposed to put so many odd rules I can take them away and make a different fight.
Zamasu has 100 years of prep before each fight.
Zamasu has extensive knowledge of every 2-C on the site but doesn't know the order he will fight his opponents in.
Zamasu is bloodlusted.
Any injuries or power ups between fights carry over between them.
His opponents get 10 minutes of prep time but no knowledge of Zamasu.
Notes: This is Xenoverse Zamasu so he is still quite intelligent and capable of spreading outside of time. I understand this may seem like the deck is stacked in Zamasu's favour but I feel that it is necessary for him not to be absolutely stomped by the other 2-Cs. If I'm not supposed to put so many odd rules I can take them away and make a different fight.