Different verses hold different thresholds for when someone would get one-shot by something. Sometimes 2x will turn a stomp around, sometimes 100x won't. That's why we don't have a universal standard multiplier for one-shotting or being unharmed, and that's why I don't find this post of yours convincing.
ok then, even though I would find it far beyond insanely unrealistic if it was anything less than a 9 times multiplier, especially considering saitama dominates Garou like 3 to 5 times in the span of that graph, and the gap would only get insanely bigger moments later due to exponential growth, I can concede that this line of reasoning alone wouldn't be enough, since it's technically not objective, and technically even if he got an 999 trillion to the quadrillionth power one shots above garou, it wouldn't be enough to assume even baseline 3-C,
so you are correct here.
Essentially, it would be worth doing if the multiplier was decently less than 58x, but they still wanted to show its exponential nature.
If the graph really was purely to show the fact that exponential growth occured, the statement would have been enough. Similarly, even if they wanted to go further by using the graph, but they wanted to use a non zero starting value at Y, there's no reason why they wouldn't have just let Saitama and Garou's lines touch zero, but they specifically leave a gap. Let me just bring up, the gap between the bottom line and the start of the lines serves 0 purpose, absolutely
none, except for showing that Saitama and Garou were above this
already arbitrary hypothetical value that would replace 0. The very clear intention, to me and likely many others, is to show a starting point for Saitama and Garou. For this to not matter, this graph would have to start at a non zero value (in mystery units) but also be a value lower than the sp^2. Why would they do this exactly? Well, it doesn't really serve a purpose, except for being a model specifically developed to destroy the idea of multipliers, which again, is not a priority of the author as we can most likely all agree.
I guess you've put more doubt on it than before, but like I said, I still think a "likely" rating should be given at least, since there is a technical loophole in which it could be a not 58x increase