@Earl @Earl "- Gear made for the Assassins like the Spy Mask and Sentinel Array was initially tried out for such elite marines mentioned in the last bullet. Unfortunately, the massive influx of constant info was too much for them to bear, disorienting and confusing even these hardened veterans. Assassins process it subconsciously. - Every Assassin during their training learns a ton. They can't expect any support whatsoever on their missions and as such are trained to function in remote parts of the galaxy for years at a time on their lonesome. They're often given rather vague goals like "this person needs to be killed" and required to come up with the rest of their plan on their own (In one case, there's an Eversor that's just been let loose for a long time to spread as much terror as possible in one sector), resulting in stuff like the Vindicare moon shot or the other vindicare who waited 6 years in one position without ever getting noticed. - In addition to this independence, assassins can operate almost any technology understood by the imperium, have the Imperium's history memorized (minus the naughty bits ofc), understand the functions and inner workings of its organizations, know every known language that isn't some vector to daemonic possession, have an absolutely perfect knowledge of human biology, and know everything the imperium knows about the biological structures of xenos. - The assassinorum as a whole was unknown even to The Emperor of Mankind for a while till Rogal Dorn spilled the beans. While it is true that this was back when Malcador the Sigillite was running things, it still means individuals on their missions were somehow able to evade detection from basically all of the imperium. Even in modern times most people don't know they exist."
Most of what Wok said, yes? I would certainly disagree. I fail to grasp and I'll stop trying to grasp how you somehow think being able to process information, that makes veterans of battle with thousands of years of experience that are especially engineered to process massive mounts of information in ridiculous amounts of time in massive, incredibly chaotic battles dizzy, as easily as just walking and then using that to better adjust your battle strategy is not combat skill. Do you know where stealth would be hella useful? Combat. That's a combat skill and a very useful one.
You just lost any credibility I could honestly give you just calling that an incredible shot. Do you actually even begin to process how much information actual snipers have to account for even in real life and in optimal conditions? Wind, gravity, grouping, humidity, the Earth's rotation, spindrift, elevation, and other things I am pretty much forgetting. Even to a veteran, this takes time. And this goes for a shot even in good conditions where the target is just far away. Now add the God knows how many other number of factors and added calculations as a bullet leaves the atmosphere while interacting with gravity in a whole new way and having to enter another atmosphere with a likely different gravity, plus the bullet's travel time.
The assassin did the shot in barely a second once the target was in view.
I know how absurd Ikki's feats are, so no, I am not wanking anything just because you have weird standards for what is quantifiable for combat skill and don't realize the difficulty of something like that shot.