(I plan for Malal to be TNOA's and THOA's villain during and after Aftermath (Because TOCOJBWA is kinda... in a sitcom), hopefully he doesn't die here so that happens. This is why for now, he is in The Side of TOCOJBWA, also for easier storytelling and so this thread doesn't become a convoluted, spammy mess. Also, what happened to
Negative Ryukama?)
Motolov: Ecumenscial Patriarch... I can't believe we are fighting with Markos Angelos!
Joseph Stalin: Me neither... yet here we are. (Unexcommunicates Markos Angelos).
Joseph Stalin: I can't believe we are doing this...
Motolov: Yea... I remember the old times... when I was equalist and I defeated Markos Angelos. Good Times. Good Times.
Joseph Stalin: More like Bad times for me even though Rome conquered Afghanistan and Kaiser Otto expanded The Reich to heights never seen before and united Africa under 1 country which is Rome but you do you man.
Motolov: Yea... after this im going back to Hell. This timeline is too Angeloi for me to enjoy anyways. I mean... Tumblr is the same shit as it is in my timeline... and it's considered LEFT WING! LEFT WING! NOT EVEN RIGHT WING!
Joseph Stalin: Same but I'm going to heaven instead of Hell.
Snek: Don't step on Snek. Don't tread on me.
Joseph Stalin: Motolov... before you screech and scream "Do you see what I mean?" ? yes... Yes I do.