Again, it's not the same exact space. They need to be linked together by the same exact type of space or else it'd be wrong to say they're part of the same space-time continuum to begin with.
Sharing the same container =/= all the realms being one singular space-time continuum
I don't understand how you can say that sharing the same space-time enclosure means that they don't share a space-time.
But these regions of space you are talking about don't have any 4-D aspects to them, they're still 3-D, and thus having different laws of physics doesn't mean much if they're still stuck within that same level of existence. And once again, these regions of space, they are dependent on the core universe itself and are thus under its influence.
I don't know why you think that having 4-D aspects is important. 3-D beings can move around in 4-D space.
I don't understand what you're saying with "these regions of space are dependent on the core universe itself and are thus under its influence."
No, because again, those realms are not connected to a void that has the same exact properties as them. For all we know the void between them could be a of a completely different level of existence than the realms.
Again, you're not tackling my argument. Instead of discussing my reasons for why I don't think sharing a speed of time indicates separate space-times, you respond with "But those realms could be separate space-times for other reasons!"
Having other valid reasons does not make the reason under contention suddenly valid.
Except this is all contained within the one and the same universal structure, locked under its influence and dependent on it to exist, not more than that, so I'm not sure how that is even relevant to the question at hand.
There's a fair bit to unpack here.
They're contained within the one and the same universal structure: Our words for this are arbitrary. Some people think that our universe, were it to be infinitely large as some people reasonably suspect is the case, could be described as a quilted multiverse. Tossing out the words "universe" or "multiverse" doesn't really matter; what matters is how it fundamentally functions.
Locked under its influence and dependent on it to exist: Things can only influence things that are within their future light cones. There are, in all likelihood, parts of our universe that will never influence us, and we will never influence. The current universe cannot effect the past.
Again, these parts are not leaving the universe. Neither are they free from the influence of our universe, nor are they actually manipulating the past, present and future in anyway, shape or form.
I was responding to your earlier post about the important part being that the space is different. My counterexample is one of parts of space in serious IRL theories that are different. I don't understand how your response is adequately tackling that in context.
And residing in the same space AKA container means nothing if said realms are confirmed to be physically separate from each other, have their own flow of time and also have confirmation that affecting their fabric of reality in their entirety will not affect the other universes in the vicinity in anyway whatsoever.
Here you go again, jumping to a bunch of other topics when i try to nail you down on one.
Right now, in this chain of the conversation, we are talking about whether being able to physically travel to a universe is an anti-feat for it being a separate space-time or not. All this nonsense about "having its own flow of time" and "affecting the fabric of reality not affecting other universes" has no place here. We are talking about the validity of one piece of evidence, not every other piece of evidence that you want to bring up. Stay on topic.