Agreed with what has already been said, one of the reasons i decided to make an account here in the first place is because it was different from other places like the OBD where only a select few individuals can perform edits. This site both encourages users to participate not just in edits but in other various discussions about anything, it's not just a vs match up site, it's a place to hang out.
What's been propose here will give the appearance of staff elitism and that normal users opinions don't matter, which is already an issue here, this will further exacerbate it. Not only that but in place of bad edits, will be i reason a vast amount of threads asking for certain things to be added to profiles or edited, in fact i think this defeats the point of what it will be suppose to do in the first place, which is less workload, this will increase work load massively, just imagine tens or hundreds of threads asking for various major to minor things to be edited, we have an active base of users here, and continue to grow, initially this will probably be impossible to handle anyway.
Of course after a while, we will be able to handle it but that will be precisely cause no one new will be visiting our site cause they can't edit anything, this will castrate our growth, and probably turn this site into irrelevancy, no offense to Ant but i think this idea will a lot of unintended consequences imo. By implementing this the unique aspect of our site of being welcoming where you can just hang out and chat will probably be lost as well i think, as everything will become focused on edits.