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Regarding High-Godly Renegeration. The current justification is as follows :
"High-Godly; She can regenerate herself after perfect annihilation, which includes the destruction of her body, soul, mind, concept and nonexistent physiology. Regenerated seconds after being conceptually erased by Rick's sword.[2] Gods can still regenerate from states[3][4] like causality erasure and complete erasure.[5] Erasure such as complete erasure include history, plot, spiritual, conceptual, mental, and information erasure."
I'll not delve into the other aspect for now, but does anyone have any scan that proves this? Because from what I've seen on another wiki, which is made, from what I know, by the same supporters here, that justification is gone. So yeah, does anyone have any idea?
Regarding High-Godly Regeneration 2.
Currently, the only supporting evidence for High-Godly is this scene which isn't even available as scans but only as a reference for the justification. I had to go on another wiki to get the scene, that's not normal. Anyway.
To briefly explain, Rick is someone who once killed a goddess. It made him not only a God-Slayer, but the sword itself got imbued with the concept of "God-Slaying". In the scene used as a justification, it is explained that the "combination of him being a god-slayer and the sword itself reinforce his god-slaying capability to a conceptual level". After a little bit of stuff, Rick destroys UEG's divine core, her body disappears, her presence vanishes and Rick claims that "UEG got erased." but she still came back.
Rick killed his first goddess thanks to the situation itself. She was weak and injured, therefore it was "easy" to destroy the divine core of said goddess. However, this is not the case with UEG, only her leg was injured. In fact, we can infer that it is his sword that allowed him to reach the divine core in the first place, since his sword has "god-slaying" capabilities.
Allow me to give a non-cropped version of the first scan given for the justification. As you can see, the whole "conceptual stuff" is just him getting a buff toward gods, really. During the scene that serves as proof, there is no mention of UEG's concept being erased or anything similar.
Moreover, a similar scene occurred when the Hedgehog killed Malna. Literally the same stuff. Someone destroys the divine core of a god, it dies, and its body disappears. The only meaningful difference is Rick saying "UEG got erased" and UEG coming back. There is no implication her concept got erased. For a verse that has always been so straightforward, that doesn't make any sense.
UEG even mentions this in the next volume. She indirectly implied that destroying/erasing/killing her concept would be the correct path to get rid of her.
So yeah, High-Godly should go. It can probably be replaced by Mid-Godly, I suppose, I'm unsure. It could work, since UEG implies that her concept needs to be destroyed to do something meaningful against her.
Agree : KingNanaya, Quintessence_PE, Dark_Soul20189, LephyrTheRevanchist (Waiting for supporters), DarkDragonMedeus, Rutæhh, Mr. Bambu, Ihsjihahxu, Deidalius, Nexus_still_slams, ActuallySpaceMan42
Disagree : Elizhaa (Probably at least a rewording?), Dereck03 (Agree with Elizhaa point, so probably the same), NIK_FARIS, Vietthai96 (I think?)
Neutral :
"High-Godly; She can regenerate herself after perfect annihilation, which includes the destruction of her body, soul, mind, concept and nonexistent physiology. Regenerated seconds after being conceptually erased by Rick's sword.[2] Gods can still regenerate from states[3][4] like causality erasure and complete erasure.[5] Erasure such as complete erasure include history, plot, spiritual, conceptual, mental, and information erasure."
I'll not delve into the other aspect for now, but does anyone have any scan that proves this? Because from what I've seen on another wiki, which is made, from what I know, by the same supporters here, that justification is gone. So yeah, does anyone have any idea?
Regarding High-Godly Regeneration 2.
Currently, the only supporting evidence for High-Godly is this scene which isn't even available as scans but only as a reference for the justification. I had to go on another wiki to get the scene, that's not normal. Anyway.
To briefly explain, Rick is someone who once killed a goddess. It made him not only a God-Slayer, but the sword itself got imbued with the concept of "God-Slaying". In the scene used as a justification, it is explained that the "combination of him being a god-slayer and the sword itself reinforce his god-slaying capability to a conceptual level". After a little bit of stuff, Rick destroys UEG's divine core, her body disappears, her presence vanishes and Rick claims that "UEG got erased." but she still came back.
Rick killed his first goddess thanks to the situation itself. She was weak and injured, therefore it was "easy" to destroy the divine core of said goddess. However, this is not the case with UEG, only her leg was injured. In fact, we can infer that it is his sword that allowed him to reach the divine core in the first place, since his sword has "god-slaying" capabilities.
Allow me to give a non-cropped version of the first scan given for the justification. As you can see, the whole "conceptual stuff" is just him getting a buff toward gods, really. During the scene that serves as proof, there is no mention of UEG's concept being erased or anything similar.
Moreover, a similar scene occurred when the Hedgehog killed Malna. Literally the same stuff. Someone destroys the divine core of a god, it dies, and its body disappears. The only meaningful difference is Rick saying "UEG got erased" and UEG coming back. There is no implication her concept got erased. For a verse that has always been so straightforward, that doesn't make any sense.
UEG even mentions this in the next volume. She indirectly implied that destroying/erasing/killing her concept would be the correct path to get rid of her.
So yeah, High-Godly should go. It can probably be replaced by Mid-Godly, I suppose, I'm unsure. It could work, since UEG implies that her concept needs to be destroyed to do something meaningful against her.
Agree : KingNanaya, Quintessence_PE, Dark_Soul20189, LephyrTheRevanchist (Waiting for supporters), DarkDragonMedeus, Rutæhh, Mr. Bambu, Ihsjihahxu, Deidalius, Nexus_still_slams, ActuallySpaceMan42
Disagree : Elizhaa (Probably at least a rewording?), Dereck03 (Agree with Elizhaa point, so probably the same), NIK_FARIS, Vietthai96 (I think?)
Neutral :
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