I will try to share everything I know so far to see if we have enough information for a profile
In season 1 finale Flash runs into the speed force and is able to see the
past, present and future indication that the Speed Force is 4 dimensional.
In season 2 ep11 It is revealed that the Speed Force force
protected a future version of Eobard from the changes made in the timeline, Harry comparing it to a bomb shelter.
Season 2 ep23 It is revealed that the Speed Force is sentient and as old as the universe itself. At one point it remarks Barry has all the time in the universe literally, make of that what you will.
Season 3 ep9 Jay states that the Speed Force is an endless void of time and energy.
season 3 ep15 Savitar explains that being in the Speed Force allowed him to observe Flash Point revealing that The Speed Force was unaffected by changes in the timeline.
Season 3 ep16 The Speed Force Prison created by Barry in the future was present when he entered the Speed Force in present day further supporting the notion that The Speed Force is completely seperate from normal time-space.
Season 3 ep 22 The philosopher's stone is revealed to be made out of Speed Force energy implying that The Speed Force can give powers other than super speed.
Season 4 ep1 Caitlin calls the Speed force a
pan temporal extradimension whatever that means, she also states that the speed force lies outside of normal time space.
Is the information enough for a profile?