- 26,160
- 3,654
I meant type 8.
But no, what was presented so far is not 2-A in range in any way.
But no, what was presented so far is not 2-A in range in any way.
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那老魔舉刀又砍,大聖把頭迎一迎,乒乓的劈做兩半個。大聖就地打個滾,變 做兩個身子。那妖一見慌了,手按下鋼刀。豬八戒遠遠望見,笑道:「老魔好 砍兩刀的,卻不是四個人了?」老魔指定行者道:「聞你能使分身法,怎麼把 這法兒拿出在我面前使?」大聖道:「何為分身法?」老魔道:「為甚麼先砍 你一刀不動,如今砍你一刀,就是兩個人?」大聖笑道:「妖怪,你切莫害 怕。砍上一萬刀,還你二萬個人。」老魔道:「你這猴兒,你只會分身,不會 收身。你若有本事收做一個,打我一棍去罷。」大聖道:「不許說謊,你要砍 三刀,只砍了我兩刀。教我打一棍,若打了棍半,就不姓孫。」老魔道:「正 是,正是。」
Another example of Sun Wukong's immortality.The senior demon raised his sword for another hack, which the Great Sage moved his head forward to meet.
With a loud band his head was split into two, whereupon the Great Sage rolled on the ground and gave
himself a second body. The sight so alarmed the demon that he lowered his sword.
Watching all this from a distance Pig said with a laugh, "Give him a couple more hacks, old devil, then there'll
be four of him."
Pointing at Brother Monkey the senior demon said, "I'd heard that you can use self−dividing magic. Why are
you showing it off to me now?"
"What self−dividing magic?" Monkey asked.
"Why was it that the first time I hacked you it made no impact, but this time I cut you in two?" the senior
demon asked. "Don't worry, evil spirit," said the Great Sage with a smile. "If you cut me ten thousand times
there'll be twenty thousand of me."
"You ape," the demon said, "you may be able to divide yourself but you can't put yourself together again. If
you can, hit me with your cudgel."
"Don't talk nonsense," said the Great Sage. "You asked to take three cuts at me but only took two. Now you've
invited me to hit you once. I'm not Monkey if I hit you one and a half times."
"Very well," said the senior demon.
The splendid Great Sage hugged his two bodies together, rolled, became one body again and struck with his
cudgel at the demon's head.
A universe with varous large sized pocket dimensions and infinite amount of dualities.The cosmology is just a single universe?
十閻王接下大聖,相見了,問及何來何幹。行者道:“銅臺府地靈縣齋僧的寇洪 之鬼,是哪個收了?快點查來與我。”十閻王道:“寇洪善士,也不曾有鬼使勾 他,他自家到此,遇著地藏王的金衣童子,他引見地藏也。”行者即別了,徑至 翠雲宮見地藏王菩薩。菩薩與他禮畢,具言前事。菩薩喜道:“寇洪陽壽,止該 卦數命終,不染床蓆,棄世而去。我因他齋僧,是個善士,收他做個掌善緣簿子 的案長。既大聖來取,我再延他陽壽一紀,教他跟大聖去。”金衣童子遂領出寇 洪。寇洪見了行者,聲聲叫道:“老師,老師,救我一救。”行者道:“你被強 盜踢死,此乃陰司地藏王菩薩之處。我老孫特來取你到陽世間對明此事。既蒙菩 薩放回,又延你陽壽一紀,待十二年之後,你再來也。”那員外頂禮不盡。
行者謝辭了菩薩,將他吹化為氣,掉於衣袖之間,同去幽府,復返陽間。駕雲 頭,到了寇家,即喚八戒捎開材蓋,把他魂靈兒推付本身。須臾間,透出氣來活 了。
Since "vapor" is translated from "氣", it is clear that Sun Wukong could turn soul to chi and turn chi to soul.The Ten Kings received the Great Sage, greeted him, and asked him why he had come. "Who's got the ghost
of Kou Hong who used to feed monks in Diling County in the prefecture of Brazentower?" said Monkey.
"Find him and give him to me at once."
"Kou Hong is a very good man," the Ten King replied. "He came here himself. No demon had to envoys drag
him here with their hooks. He met King Ksitigarbha's Goldenclad Boy, who took him to see Ksitigarbha."
Monkey then took his leave of them and went straight to the Turquoise Cloud Palace, where he saw the
Bodhisattva King Ksitigarbha. When the Bodhisattva had greeted him Monkey explained what had happened.
"Liang Hong's allotted span had been completed," the Bodhisattva said with delight, "and his life was over.
That is why he left the world behind and came here without touching his bed. As he was such a good man
who had fed monks I have made him a chief recorder in charge of the register of good deeds. But since you
have come here to fetch him, Great Sage, I shall grant him a twelve−year extension of his life on earth. Let
him leave with the Great Sage."
The Goldenclad Boy then led out Kou Hong, who on seeing Monkey kept saying, "Teacher, save me!
"You were kicked to death by robbers," said Monkey, "and now you're in the Bodhisattva King Ksitigarbha's
place in the Under world. I've come to fetch you and take you to the world of the living to sort this matter out.
The Bodhisattva will let you go back and has given you another twelve years of life, after which you'll come
back here." The old gentleman kowtowed to him endlessly.
Having thanked and taken his leave of the Bodhisattva, Monkey blew on Kou Hong, turned him into vapor,
tucked him into his sleeve and left the Underworld to go back to the world of the living. He rode his cloud
back to the Kou house, told Pig to lever the lid off the coffin and pushed Kou Hong's spirit back into the body.A moment later Kou Hong started breathing as he came back to life.
行者聽得此言,忍不住呵呵大笑道:「師父,你忒不濟,略有些些病兒,就起這 個意念。你若是病重,要死要活,只消問我,我老孫自有個本事:問道那個閻王 敢起心?那個判官敢出票?那個鬼使來勾取?若惱了我,我拿出那大鬧天宮之性 子,又一路棍,打入幽冥,捉住十代閻王,一個個抽了他的筋,還不饒他哩。」 三藏道:「徒弟呀,我病重了,切莫說這大話。」
八戒上前道:「師兄,師父說不好,你只管說好,十分不尷尬。我們趁早商量, 先賣了馬,典了行囊,買棺木送終散火。」行者道:「獃子又胡說了,你不知 道。師父是我佛如來第二個徒弟,原叫做金蟬長老,只因他輕慢佛法,該有這場 大難。」八戒道:「哥呵,師父既是輕慢佛法,貶回東土,在是非海內,口舌場 中,託化做人身,發願往西天拜佛求經,遇妖精就捆,逢魔頭就吊,受諸苦惱, 也勾了,怎麼又叫他害病?」行者道:「你那裏曉得。老師父不曾聽佛講法,打 了一個盹,往下一試,左腳屣了一粒米,下界來,該有這三日病。」八戒驚道: 「像老豬吃東西潑潑撒撒的,也不知害多少年代病是。」行者道:「兄弟,佛不 與你眾生為念,你又不知。人云:『鋤禾日當午,汗滴禾下土。誰知盤中餐,粒 粒皆辛苦。』師父只今日一日,明日就好了。」三藏道:「我今日比昨日不同: 咽喉裏十分作渴。你去那裏有涼水,尋些來我吃。」行者道:「好了,師父要水 吃,便是好了。等我取水去。」
(In Chapter 81)When Monkey heard this he could not help bursting out into uproarious laughter. "You're hopeless, Master,"
he said, "thinking that sort of thing after just a touch of illness. If you were seriously ill you'd only have to ask
me to find out whether you were going to live or die. I have my own special way of dealing with it. I'd ask,
'Which king of the Underworld dared think of this? Which of the judges issued the warrant? Which demon
messenger is coming to fetch him?' If they make me angry I'll lose my temper the way I did when I made
havoc in Heaven, smash my way into the Underworld with my cudgel, capture the ten kings and rip the
sinews out of every one of them. I'll show them no mercy."
"Stop that boasting, disciple," Sanzang replied. "I am very ill."
"Brother," said Pig, going up to him, "it's very awkward to have the master saying he's in a bad way and you
insisting he isn't. Let's settle things as quickly as we can, sell the horse, pawn the luggage, buy a coffin to bury
the master in and split up."
"You're talking out of turn again, you idiot," Monkey replied. "What you don't realize is that the master used
to be our Tathagata Buddha's second disciple. His original name was the Venerable Golden Cicada. This is
great hardship he has to endure because he once slighted the Buddha's Dharma."
"But, brother," Pig replied, "even if the master did slight the Buddha's Dharma he was exiled to the East and
born into another body amid the sea of right and wrong and the battlefield of tongues. He swore an oath to go
to the Western Heaven, worship the Buddha and fetch the scriptures. Every time he's met an evil spirit he's
been tied up; and every time he's come across a monster he's been hung up. He's had to put up with every kind
of agony. That should be enough. Why has he had to be ill as well?"
"This is something you wouldn't know about," Monkey replied. "The master once dropped off to sleep instead
of listening to the Buddha teaching the Dharma, and as he drowsed he trod on a grain of rice with his left foot.
That is why he has to be ill for three days in the lower world."
"So goodness only knows how many years someone who eats as messily as I do will have to be ill," replied a
shocked Pig.
"Brother," Monkey replied, "the Buddha will spare ordinary creatures such as you. There's something else you
don't know. As the poet said,
Hoeing millet in the noonday sun;
Sweat drops on the ground beneath the millet.
Who understands that of the food that's in the bowl,
Every single grain was won through bitter toil?
The master will only be ill today. Tomorrow he'll be better."
"I am feeling different today from how I did yesterday," said Sanzang. "My throat is absolutely parched. Go
and find some cold water somewhere for me to drink."
"Fine," Monkey replied. "If water's what you want, Master, that means you're better. I'll go and fetch some."
捱至四更三點,行者見他們都不呻吟,盡 皆睡著,他暗想道:“師父該有這一夜牢獄之災。老孫不開口折辨,不使法力 者,蓋為此耳。如今四更將盡,災將滿矣,我須去打點打點,天明好出牢門。 ”
(In Chapter 97)By the third mark of the fourth watch Monkey could see that the others had stopped groaning and
were fast asleep. "The master was fated to meet with the hardship of a night in gaol," he thought. "That was
why I said nothing in our defense and didn't use my magic powers. But now the fourth watch is nearly over,
and his suffering's almost done. I'd better start getting things sorted out if we're to leave this gaol at dawn."
如來道:「第一是 靈明石猴,通變化,識天時,知地利,移星換斗;第二是赤尻馬猴,曉陰陽, 會人事,善出入,避死延生;第三是通臂猿猴,拿日月,縮千山,辨休咎,乾 坤摩弄;第四是六耳獼猴,善聆音,能察理,知前後,萬物皆明。此四猴者, 不入十類之種,不達兩間之名。我觀假悟空乃六耳獼猴也。此猴若立一處,能 知千里外之事;凡人說話,亦能知之。故此善聆音,能察理,知前後,萬物皆 明。與真悟空同像同音者,六耳獼猴也。」
那獼猴聞得如來說出他的本像,膽戰心驚,急縱身,跳起來就走。如來見他走 時,即令大眾下手。
Since six−eared macaque has fought Sun Wukong (Despite there are many theories about this story, nearly every theories admits that six−eared macaque has similar skills to Sun Wukong. A well-known theory, supported by the title of the chapter, suggests that "six−eared macaque" is "Evil Sun Wukong"/"Dark Sun Wukong" or any Good Side of oneself VS Evil side of oneself)"The first kind is the intelligent stone monkey," the Buddha replied. "He can do all kinds of transformation,
knows all about the seasons of Heaven and earthly advantages, and can move the stars and their constellations
about. The second kind is the red−rumped mandril that knows all about the Yin and the Yang and human
affairs, can go into or out of anywhere, and knows how to prolong its life and avoid death. The third kind is
the magic−armed gibbon that can catch the sun or moon, shrink mountains, see what is auspicious and what is
not, and fool around with heaven and earth. The fourth kind is the six−eared macaque which has wonderful
hearing and perception. It knows about the past and the future and understands all creatures. These four kinds
of ape do not come within any of the ten categories and are not listed among the creatures that live between
heaven and earth. I can see that the false Sun Wukong is just such a six−eared macaque. Wherever he stands
he can know what is happening hundreds of miles away and hear everything that is said. That is why he has
such wonderful hearing, brilliant perception, and knowledge of the past, the future, and all beings; that is why
he looks and sounds just like Wukong. He is a six−eared macaque."
As soon as the macaque heard the Tathagata Buddha say who he really was, he started shaking with fear and
took a great leap to get away. The Tathagata at once ordered his hosts to strike
正說處,只聽得地藏王菩薩道:「且住,且住。等我著諦聽與你聽個真假。」 原來那諦聽是地藏菩薩經案下伏的一個獸名。他若伏在地下,一霎時,將四大 部洲山川社稷,洞天福地之間,蠃蟲、鱗蟲、毛蟲、羽蟲、昆蟲、天仙、地 仙、神仙、人仙、鬼仙,可以照鑒善惡,察聽賢愚。那獸奉地藏鈞旨,就於森 羅庭院之中,俯伏在地。須臾,抬起頭來,對地藏道:「怪名雖有,但不可當 面說破,又不能助力擒他。」地藏道:「當面說出便怎麼?」諦聽道:「當面 說出,恐妖精惡發,搔擾寶殿,致令陰府不安。」又問:「何為不能助力擒 拿?」諦聽道:「妖精神通,與孫大聖無二。幽冥之神,能有多少法力?故此 不能擒拿。」
As they were saying this they heard the Bodhisattva King Ksitigarbha shout, "Wait, wait! I'll send Examiner
to tell you apart." Now Examiner was the name of an animal who lay under the Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha's
sutra table. Just by lying there he could tell good from evil and wise from stupid among any of the snails, fish,
hairy creatures, feathered creatures, insects, heavenly immortals, earthly immortals, divine immortals, human
immortals and devil immortals in all the mountains, rivers and countries of the four great continents, in all
cave heavens and in all blessed places. The animal lay on the ground in the courtyard of the Senluo Palace as
Ksitigarbha instructed it.
A little later it raised its head and said to Ksitigarbha, "I've found the name of the demon, but I cannot say it to
his face, nor can I help catch him."
"What would happen if you identified him to his face?" Ksitigarbha asked.
"If I did," Examiner replied, "I am afraid that the evil spirit would turn nasty, make disorder in the palace and
destroy the peace of the Underworld."
"Why won't you help capture him?" Ksitigarbha went on to ask, and Examiner replied, "The evil spirit's magic
powers are no less than those of Sun Wukong. No matter how much dharma power the gods of the
Underworld have, they would never be able to catch him."
悟空道:「我自聞道之後,有七十二般地煞變化之功 ,觔斗雲有莫大的神通﹔善能隱身遯身,起法攝法。上天有路,入地有門﹔步日 月無影,入金石無礙﹔水不能溺,火不能焚。那些兒去不得?」四猴道:「大王 既有此神通,我們這鐵板橋下,水通東海龍宮。大王若肯下去,尋著老龍王,問 他要件甚麼兵器,卻不趁心?」
I don't know what the skills is."Since hearing the Way," Sun Wukong replied, "I have mastered the seventy−two earthly transformations. My
somersault cloud has outstanding magical powers. I know how to conceal myself and vanish. I can make
spells and end them. I can reach the sky and find my way into the earth. I can travel under the sun or moon
without leaving a shadow or go through metal or stone freely. I can't be drowned by water or burned by fire.
There's nowhere I cannot go."
maybe not infinite but it countlessly fluctuates.What part mentions that?
108000 li for the size of the universe is one of things you used in the sandbox and also in chapter 7 The Great Sage Escapes from the Eight Trigrams FurnaceAlright? What is that supposed to and up at, though? My sandbox doesn't even mention them as far as I remember, and that statement won't get any upgrades.
oh thank god that is removed. sorry i didn't double check. ^^ll...It is not in the sandbox. Did you not read it?
Anyone who has NEP type 2 wouldn't be able to interact with the physical nor spiritual worlds without the use of physical manifestations or avatars. so I think its fair to assume wukong has it in buddhahoodNEP type 2 normally goes to primordial voids.
Shouldnt he get it for being unbounded by reality + the duality stuffs?NEP type 2 normally goes to primordial voids.
He already has it, as seen on the blog/profile test.Shouldnt he get it for being unbounded by reality + the duality stuffs?
Should he be given avatar creation and immortality type 9 tho?He already has it, as seen on the blog/profile test.
He shown the ability to create avatar? or Buddha can?Should he be given avatar creation and immortality type 9 tho?
Also don't forget about immeasurable speed
Its logical to assume anyone with Buddhahood has these 2 abilities since they can't interact with physical or spiritual realms without the use of any manifestationsHe shown the ability to create avatar? or Buddha can?
He specifically evaded he fire, because sun is air, and fire cannot be where air is."Resistance to immortality negation is a no", even though he survived a furnace that was made specifically to kill gods and immortals? Granted, his fire protection charm certainly helped.
Should he be given avatar creation and immortality type 9 tho?
Also don't forget about immeasurable speed
So seems like wukong's profile preparations is readyIf his shoes let him walk on clouds, that's nice, but there is no real power to give to it. That is not toon force, maybe NPI if you want to push it.
Power Mimicry due to learning a spell after reading its instructions is not a thing.
I disagree with Avatar Creation. When they ascend they remain them, in body as well, just ascended. This is just a contradiction no less illogical than being at all sentient, and trying to wriggle powers out of it is unneeded.
Abstract beings can sit, hold equipment and feed on normal foods and drinks. Without avatars. That's it.
Sure.If there is nothing else to it, yeah. I'll edit the blog, link it one last time, and if nobody got a problem with it it can go .
I agree. (Although the profile is not final decision for good, let's do this.)If there is nothing else to it, yeah. I'll edit the blog, link it one last time, and if nobody got a problem with it it can go up.