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Using big words won't make you sound big. High Demons are a threat to an entire city, Low to Mid demon level threats are usually a threat to its functionality like the paradisers and the Giant crow. DSK was a high demon, He was threat to an entire city. One S-Class is required atleast to defeat a High Demon level threat. All of the S-Class are capable of handling and defeating Demon level threats. Specially the current S-Class as of even the weakest S-Class in terms of strength, Zombie man was able to defeat Carnage Kabuto, A Dragon level threat. City level should be the tier for High Demons, As of they are a threat to a whole city itself: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/...u4KANnZQluEkNNuYXByog3n5jwM05dP12Vir0q6tb1awi