Work is mostly done in that sense, soon you guys should have a very good update for Zagor's profile while I upload Tex's feats, but I gotta get back on rhythm, I noticed I've kinda lost the method of doing it.
In any case!
It's good to see how Tex has actually plenty of moments specifically meant to show his marksmanship skill, his would be a hell of a respect thread.
Yes indeed. I've noticed that Tex issues take a sort-of dip in quality after issue #40 (or at least most stories become sort of ordinary and generic) but become very, very awesome after #60. Imo, at least - not that the writing or art gets necessarily worse, it is just that I prefer Tex's more unusual stories. Which are still less weird than the average Zagor story.
Tex has some awesome marksmanship feats. One of the most noticeable feats is of him drawing and shooting so goddamn quick that he let a guy draw his revolver first, but he still not only shot the revolver out of his hand, but also cut his belt in two spots and tore off a lot of the edges of his clothes, like a "wind of bullets" that just popped the stuff out of the dude.
I've even started to stop scanning the random feats of people breaking glasses or furniture by punching people into them, and of shooting revolvers out of people's hands - they are so common that, despite my belief of scanning every single feat, no matter how minor it is, that it isn't worth it for a lot of feats that are kind of the same. Unless there is something really remarkable, like how Tex once punched a guy so violently he went flying through an entire room, broke a window, and upon hitting the ground, he sort of cartwheeled in the ground before finally falling down.
I am also incredibly careful on scanning dodging feats from Bonelli comics, such as avoiding bullets and arrows - unless I can, with hard evidence, see that the characters moved after
only the shot was fired, and that there is nothing such as different angles or whatever to change the feat. I'm mentioning this because I'm pretty sure that I could multiply the number of feats quite easily if I wasn't careful about how I went at it.
I'll tell ya guys more later after I work on some stuff!