If the Grand Design is
H1-A , then Scarlet witch is likely to be
H1-A by altering it and containing
Chthon and
the Darkhold, as both of these threats jeopardize the Grand Design.
This kinda wrong,
it's not the Waiting Room; the Waiting Room is a pocket dimension connected to the Eldritch Orchard.
The Well Beyond Worlds/Eldritch Orchard is the highest plane of magic existence,
existing beyond the Dream Dimension (Sleepwalker’s realm), which currently appears to be
The Superflow itself.
It is the source of all magic- so she is
H1-A by creating The Well Beyond Worlds out of chaos.
(I know that in the VS Wiki, Marvel magic is still categorized as
low 1-A,
but it has shown potential for an upgrade. There are numerous examples, such as
Gos Loki using magic to protect the Defenders and fighting the Beyonders, and
Meggan Puceanu using magical forces in Otherworld to slow down the Chaos wave that is going to destroy all creation. Additionally,
Dr. Strange's artifacts and various
mystical realms demonstrate that Marvel magic deserves a significant revision for an upgrade.)
She hasn’t become the Ultimate Nexus yet, but her feats are really impressive for handling the Edge of Reality and threaten to the Grand Design by existing.
So If " the Griever is m-body or not "is the issue, we can still use her other feats for her new key,
'The Living Darkhold,' because she still has many feats that could make her tier higher and she isn't the Ultimate Nexus yet ,such as threatening the Grand Design, containing Chthon and the Darkhold, managing the Edge, and creating the Eldritch Orchard/The Well Beyond Worlds. All of this should make the Living Darkhold
Varies, Low1-A, up to H1-A