Alright I started the radiation discussion so lets try to settle it.
- We'll probably have to make a blog or something to make it easier
- No one other than Saitama would scale to the GRB's radiation output
So to explain here's some radiation figures: Using the SI measurement of radiation poisoning (Sieverts)
- Being on a plane: 0.001 mSv a hour
- Natural background radiation someone from the US will receive: 0.1 mSv a year
- A chest X-Ray: 1.2 mSv per dose
- The US limit for Nuclear Workers: 50 mSv a year
- The radiation that the average Chernobyl Recovery workers were it by: 170 mSv
- Unshielded radiation levels in space: 400-900 mSv a year
- 800 rads (8 grays) for consistently fatal ranges of radiation death within 7-28 days even with top medical care = 8,000 mSv
- 1,000 rads (Confirmed threshold for acute radiation syndrome) = 10,000 mSv
- Radiation received by people when Chernobyl went critical: 16,000 mSv
- >3,000 rads (30 grays) range where the person usually dies within 48 hours due to radiation exposure and organ failure = 30,000 mSv
- >5,000 rads (50 grays) is the range where someone will experience death due to nervous system shock = 50,000 msv
- The Elephant Foot's emitted 80-100 grays per hour, enough to kill any human within five minutes = 80,000 to 100,000 mSv
- The core explosion radiation of the Little Boy was 240 grays = 240,000 mSv
The radiation for the GRB is correct, however the important part of that science paper is that its assuming an important factor: The GRB is actually hitting something.
What I mean is that GRBs are, to be cringe I guess, the IRL version of an focused energy attack. They do not expand like Supernovas and their energy is focused in the beams. If the beams pass by something its not going to effect it. The Earth was completely missed by the GRB so nothing would scale to the radiation of the beam other than Saitama. The paper for example calculates the radiation exposure based on if a GRB from certain distances hit the Earth and the radiation we would get. But that assumption is if it hit the Earth, not if it just randomly fired.
So my suggestion is as follows:
- Based on how quickly everyone died its likely Garou was emitting 50-100 Grays of Radiation passively. If not much more. None of them would gain radiation resistance, since they died in a completely standard human timeframe.
- King, Bang and Flashy Flash can not die immediately under 50-100 Grays, but its still lethal. They also should not get radiation resistance since their deaths also fit within the standard human timeframe for such levels
- Blast was completely immune to Garou's passive emission which is at least 50-100 Grays
- Garou was unaffected by his 240 Gray+ nuke punches
- Saitama was unaffected by 83.6 billion Gray beam
I guess for profiling we would need to make a blog or something like I said and just link that in their radiation sections.