@Fix - Stats here are not exactly set in stone, especially since we do not know the actual power of each individual and can only speculate, and also because the series is no where near completion, and the characters under question have not been seen in a serious fight more than once.
In the case of Doflamingo vs Aokiji, Doffy needed to kill Smoker to silence him, but Aokiji was not going to let that happen. Doflamingo likely would have fought Aokiji in order to have his way. Unless he's an idiot, there should not be an insurmountable gap between them judging from how things went down. He left simply because he didn't want to take unnecessary risks, especially since he still had to retrieve Caesar, and had to deal with both the StrawHats and Law. Even if he succeeded and killed Smoker, Aokiji would not let him leave without at least serious injury regardless. He'd be in poor shape while his enemy + an Admiral are heading straight for Dressrosa. It's understandable why he decided to leave, but if he seriously was like .1% as strong as Aokiji, but still went to kill Smoker while completely disadvantaged, he's either stupid, or there's a problem here that we can't solve (yet).
- Basically, even if we assumed Doflamingo was far weaker, he had other matters to attend to and would prefer being in tip top condition instead of fighting Aokiji and possibly losing a limb, or even his life if it came to that.
Also, one of the feats in question for potentially increasing the high tiers is Doflamingo's strings straight up tanking the meteorite shower brought down by Issho (a single one being 6-C). But either way, if we assumed Doffy's threads scaling to base-line 6-C, and scaled that to him, Aokiji would be 550~600x stronger anyways.
If we had to, scaling Doflamingo's threads directly to the meteorite would work since 1) this doesn't shove the top tiers and high tiers into the same number value anymore, 2) the threads were undamaged, even if each logically didn't come into contact with the full force, and 3) Fujitora, who would be High 7-A as of right now, even with countless other pushing the cage, could only momentarily stop it. He couldn't even damage the cage with Haki.
Only change that would be made is that all High 7-A+ characters are 6-C. Luffy's Base-G3 would stay exactly the same. Poor Fujitora stays High 7-A.