I've added almost everything.
4KoA Guila/Jericho, Chaos Melascula and Galand aren't even keys yet, and I think Power Bestowal should be left for later since pretty much every character in the series (down to unnamed fodder Holy Knight apprentices) can do it to some extent.
That's covered by type 1 immortality.
This isn't life force absorption.
Does it say Pre-Holy War? Because that doesn't make sense since they were around 3,000 years ago.
That's not Type 7. Type 7 is being undead, like a vampire or zombie.
Demons are explicitly alive in the conventional sense (as their magic power would disappear at the moment of death from something like head destruction), and their hearts are functioning organs.
A Red Demon was
completely obliterated by Gil, and
heavily damaged a Grey Demon. This should only be applied to high-ranking Demons.
This one I've debunked in our conversations. It's just rage power, and only Zeldris does it.
Is there proof that this isn't specific to Fraudrin?