I’m going to make this extremely clear to everyone now complaining about switching up and “being the last.”
This is a terrible decision. It is horrendous. There is literally no reason for anything that happened a couple chapters ago to have happened if this goes through, other than a cheap fakeout death. To reduce all of that character building that happened to Bakugo via a BS ability bringing him back to life at the cost of someone else with no build-up is quite frankly an insult of a writing decision.
Does it ruin the manga? No, cause let’s be honest, Bakugo getting back up to fight doesn’t mean anything other than Shigaraki getting stalled longer. He honestly could still die in the fight later on, or he might just stay dead before this even happens. The only way this decision remains fully terrible is if he just lives on as if nothing happened to him, but even then, it’s not something that destroys everything built up that happened outside of this fight.
AFO and Dabi are still popping off, Toga is coming soon, Spinner is still the goat, Gashly and Kunieda’s existence is threatening to the lives of established characters, Skeptic is literally hacking UA, Machia is definitely gonna wake up, etc.. Stakes are not gone on other battlefields nor have other battlefields suffered from this decision. Everything else, if you hate this decision or not, is still LEAGUES beyond the writing of many other shonen out there for a final arc. I’m still excited to see what happens, especially with AFO, Toga and Davi
However, let’s not kid ourselves. Despite everything revolving around the war being great, this particular moment is one of, if not the, worst decision in MHA due to how quickly it just backtracks on the decision to remove an important character’s presence from the story. It is a heavy dampener on enjoyment when Horikoshi gives his all to present a character as dead, just to rewind it like it was completely set up and planned that they would live. All the despair, wrath and rage the heroes felt is basically gone, replaced with a sacrifice or 2 that won’t matter if Bakugo just solo stalls Shigaraki anyway. It is a bad writing decision that I will not defend.
Will that genuinely mean I drop the series? No, cause Bakugo isn’t why I read the series. I read the series for the relationship of Deku and those around him, for the subversions of the concept of “hero,” and the character arcs of both protagonists and antagonists reaching satisfying ends. I enjoy everything about MHA, and I will still consider it my favorite manga even if the worst possible route is taken for this particular instance.
Will that mean I won’t enjoy it anymore? Of course I will, but not without this decision leaving a bad taste in my mouth if it remains terrible, which is where the bulk of my hope lies. I’ve been reading this manga for years now, so I’ve learned to put at least SOME trust in the writer. I will do as I’ve always done and wait to see what Horikoshi has planned before I give in to outrage, because it could be that this decision leads to even better moments than anyone thought possible.
Remember how people were pissed about Star? About how her death had no meaning and was random and didn’t go anywhere? But now her decision is constantly referenced, is a main force for overseas turmoil, and is a pivotal moment to establish AFO and Tomura’s inner world turmoil that has resulted in Tenko Shimura resurfacing? I trust in Horikoshi as I always have, and even if he fumbles once, I won’t let it take away everything he’s done, especially when all that we’re losing is a satisfying, if tragic, conclusion to a beloved character.
Initial reaction over, logic taking over. If the decision winds up terrible, I’ll still read the manga, but my opinion on the stakes will change. If this decision winds up great, then Horikoshi is truly a fantastic writer, and I’ve made a great choice in trusting him.
Simply waiting is all there is for me personally. Not the end of the world, even in the worst case, just an odd series of decisions to go through in 3 chapters that detracts from this final arc way more than it gives, but on the whole, won’t effect enough to truly bring the series quality down.
Bakugo being alive doesn’t make the series bad, it just is a bad moment, and even then, it doesn’t actually detract from much. He just gets up to stall longer, that’s about it.