Kaladin Stormblessed vs. Gideon Jura
Intro 1
Syl: *Flittering around Kal, landing on his shoulder* That Shardblade... why does it feel like bunch of people?
Gids: *Drawing Blackblade, smoke coiling off of it* It's slain an Elder Dragon. Better for you to keep away.
Kal: *Syl transforms into a spear, with Kal grabbing it and falling into a stance* Dragon? Is that some kind of Voidbringer?
Intro 2
Gids: *Pulls Blackblade out of a dead dragon, life-energy being sucked out* My sword breaks souls. Are you sure about dueling while I'm holding it?
Kal: *Mists coelescing around his open hand, forming the his Oathblade* Your Blade isn't anything special, lighteyes.
Gids: *Begins shimmering with invulnerability* Well, can't say I didn't warn you.
Intro 3
Syl: *Flittering around Kal, landing on his shoulder* This man is bound by such strong Oaths...
Gids: *Drawing Blackblade, smoke coiling off of it* I protect the Multiverse, including your own plane, warrior.
Kal: *Syl transforms into a spear, with Kal grabbing it and falling into a stance* Multiverse? Plane? Stormfather, just shut up and fight.