Thinking about it, solar eclipses IRL only last around 7 minutes, so it would also have to imply that White Fatalis is, mid fight, focusing incredibly hard on the moon to keep it in place but that's ultimately a nitpick and not a genuinely compelling argument to throw the thing into further question, maybe the hunter just canonically kills them in 5 or so, who can say
Either way
- Mess with the justifications of more lower end High 8-C monsters
- Justify Kirin's speed rating properly, downgrade them to Low 7-B (or 7-A if I find whatever calc provided that)
- Downgrade Gore Magala to High 8-C+, honestly don't entirely know what to do with Shagaru Magala, probably just leave them at 6-C for now (even if Kushala is treated as a big threat that you spend awhile trying to avoid directly fighting in 4U, meanwhile Shagaru was an immediate "go kill it")
- Downgrade Dalamadur and Zorah to just 6-B (or the new calc is Low 6-B, I remember hearing)
I'll do all that tommorow provided there aren't any objections (and possibly add the MFTL+ upgrades)
Downgrading White Fatalis seems like it's been rejected for the most part, which does bring up the discussion that Black Dragons in general likely shouldn't scale to White Fatalis, as variants have generally been shown to be much stronger than their normal versions (particular examples of note being Silver Rathalos and Gold Rathian being comparable to Elder Dragons, Ebony Odogaron killing normal Odogaron with one solid blow, Ruiner Nergigante outright killing Shara Ishvalda after fighting the hunter not too long beforehand, Raging Brachydios being consistently fought alongside Furious Rajang, etc), and that should probably be discussed properly before I just go ahead and change it