- 4,707
- 5,476
Both feats are 2-A therefore it is impossible that Dormammu could do it by absorbing a single universe by universe, so both him and the Dark Dimension can potentially be that tier, and the dialogues imply an overtime feat. Therefore his AP justification should be changed to this:
The WatcherLow Multiverse level (Has conquered and absorbed many worlds and dimensions into his Dark Dimension, which is another universe, and was going to merge Earth's dimension/reality with it), Multiverse level+ overtime (Constantly plots to conquer all of the infinite universes, realities and dimensions within the multiverse into his Dark Dimension)
Doctor Strange Supreme stated that the Watcher is able to fix the collapse of a timeline. In this CRT the timelines were accepted at 2-A, which is explained in this cosmology blog.
Infinity Ultron
WoG stated that Ultron was legitimately punching across multiverses, turning them into one "messy universe soup". The only in-universe explanation for that statement is that by multiverses it refers to the group of universes that each timeline contains, which matches with the actual definition of multiverse.
The Watcher, who has seen everything that has ever happened, ever will happen and ever could happen, stated that he cannot imagine the horrors that might follow if Ultron is unleashed upon the multiverse, and that the Guardians of the Multiverse are his last hope to save all the universes within the multiverse, which should include every possible Dark Dimension, making Ultron a bigger threat than Alioth and Dormammu at his fullness.
Note: this is how the profiles would be
Agree: 13 (@Qawsedf234, @Emirp sumitpo, @DarkDragonMedeus, @RoTt35, @MARVEL_Future_Fight_Gamer, @The_one_you_least_expect, @Dalesean027, @Eseseso, @Excel616, @Lonkitt, @ThanatosX, Deleted Username, @NHTkenshin2)
Disagree: 1 (@ShadowWhoWalks)
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