SleepyTBubble said:
>The rest are quite poorly done, except the Pantheon Prolouge, while not the best, it is still easily understandable. No great grammar or word choice mistakes.
Are you talking about Visual Novel World vids?
Please tel me you're not
All of VNWs translations, while getting the main idea across, are quite choppy, and, as I read from some people, flat out incorrect.
I knew that there would be mistakes due to Masada's Chunni not translating well if you take it literally.
I can't say much about the accuracy of the translation, as I can't get all the Kanji when it's a video.
Watched them again, not as good as I remember. Way more mistakes than I remember from last time, guess I was too focused on what was happening to notice. Sorry for accidently spreading misinformation due to my own lapse in memory.
Multipe incorrect verb forms (sometimes using present when future is needed), overly literal translations, sometimes forgetting the Pronouns or articles in sentences effected by the Pronoun-drop. Other times just using a word that has a different function in English.
Sometimes just using phrases that don't sound as pleasent in english. Such as "continue to do" instead of "repeat" or something else along those lines during 5:46 in the fight against Keishiro, where it says "Dodge, dodge, hurt, continue to do", which is a very literal translation (except for one part) of
Þ║▒ÒüÖÔùï Þ║▒ÒüÖÔùï Þ║▒ÒüùþÂÜÒüæÒéïÔùï
Except for the "hurt" part. My dictionary uses ÕéÀ , Õ«│ , for hurt/harm. It could also use µëôÒüñ (hit) or Õêçµû¡ (cut).
I don't see any mention of hitting, just dodging. So, maybe not so literal.
Also, that escalated quickly. No need to get so angry Tony.