Oh BTW the Overspace Scan is noted below:
Right here
I mentioned the Tier 1 Stuff in the OP so when this is evaluated we can just go straight to that without any problems... Unless saved for another time... So if you want to see it ahead of time more power to you... But for now let's go over another "set" of the scans requested... specifically by Sandman
Strange Tales Stuff / Heroes Reborn
Because yes two versions of the events happened, one in canon and the other in DeMatteis' Vision... So it kinda works to use:
The Nexus of All Realities feat is easy. It was described below While Strange stated it was a theory., it was based on him recognizing that the feat of returning the heroes to the verse could cause...
Again there are Tier 1 Abilities here as Dr.Strange was literally manipulating on every level of the Multiverse to keep it stable until the problem was solved... Meaning every Level of Multiverse was affected by what happened...He was also described as being capable of manipulate every facet of the Multiverse with surgeon's skill... But again we'll get to that later.
It was stated by Dr.Strange that during Man-Thing III , that the cause of the End of All Things, was caused by Counter-Earth essentially, via "Heroes of Legend" returning to the Earth 616 Reality . Meaning that, this really obscure and incredibly ridiculous set of comics did in-fact happen . Also, in Heroes Rebron, Franklin Richards + The Celestials caused this to happen. It also directly scales to At Least 2-C's such as Franklin as he was Causing the Nexus to Shatter was a Strange Tales exclusive, but here are the scans that hint he's responsible:
Specifically speaking, it was this phrase in particular which allowed it to be heavily implied.it :
Scan Stating Franklin could've returned them home by himself had he the maturity to do so: In-fact, this is even more worrysome when you consider the statement that Franklin's "Imagination" are the Outer Borders of the Negative Zone/Subspace... which if you remember exactly what the Negative Zone's/Subspace's Edges is (it's the Crossroads of Infinity).. You know this could very easily become a Tier 1 feat [I know the scans says it isn't infinite... But that is referring to Franklin's Imagination... Not the edges of Subspace / Negative Zone) But the fact his Imagination scales to the edges of Subspace easily.
We also see that Heroes Reborn Hulk was able to affect, with the energies of Heroes Reborn & Earth 616 , literally rip the edge of the Negative Zone open (
which has been used interchangably with the Crossroads of Infinity before... which yes it contains Universes but like I mentioned in a hour long debate with some doesn't downgrade the Crossroads nature to anything less than 2-A)... Which due to that being the Crossroads of Infinity requires At least 2-A [If not very likely Tier 1] Level power... It also means that the energies of 616 and Heroes Reborn... Which basically borderline anyone affecting Earth 616 should scale to as it was used to do half of a Tier 2 to Tier 1 Level Feat:
Cosmic Cubes
The recent version stated that a "depowered" Cosmic Cube had the power to destroy "Infinite Universes" , and a Full Powered ONe "Destroy All Existence" Super-Adaptoid after copying a Cosmic Cube noted how if he fought Kubik "The resulting reality war would shred the fabric of all existence -- extending into infinite dimensions and adjacent universes " . This Super-Adaptoid also said he threatened all of reality and is "every reality's master" . He even said destroying the Post-Retcon Beyonder would destroy Multiversal Cosmography, which means it'd affect the whole Multiverse... Consistent with previous feats of the Cubes affecting Omniverses/Multiverses prior However the Cubes were stated to be weaker than PR Molecule Man.
Again there is Tier 1 Implications as Kubik always referred to "Dimensions" & the true "Multiverse" in the Higher-Dimensional sense, whether talking about the true nature of the Multiverse or referring to levels of infinity. Plus several Omni-Dimensional Statements about the Cube & Cosmology Stuff... He's never only referred to it as merely "universes" and that's it.