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Once again this would be taking as pocket dimension or different dimensions spaces not higher dimensions.残り二本の血槍はそのまままっすぐ、 陣形中央にて氷の世界を狙う二 人に迫った。
魔法障壁にてそれを受け止めたのが、 前方に展開していた二名の隊長、ネロとコルクスである。 血槍が左翼、 右翼に回り込んだときからこの状況を想定に入れ、下がり気味になっていたのだろう。
ベレニツィア・ノイン 「「<魔深流失波濤砲>」」
二本の銃砲に夥しい魔力が集中する。 氷の世界めがけて、 青き魔弾が 発射された。
だが直後、 その二つの魔弾が骨の槍に貫かれ、大爆発を引き起こし た。九番隊隊長レゲロ、 十番隊隊長ビリジアはその爆炎に飲み込まれ る。
緋髄愴ディルフィンシュテインの穂先が、 次元を超えて奴らの銃口を 貫いたのだ。
ベレニツィア・ノイン 魔槍で致命傷を与えるのは難しい。 イージェスは<魔深流失波濤砲> を奴らの至近距離にて爆発させる手を狙っていたのだ。
血槍にてそれを撃たせぬように立ち回ったのも、 奴らの油断を誘う策 の一つ。
撃つことができれば勝てると思わせ、 その実、撃った瞬間の魔弾を貫 く算段だったのだ。
「槍だからと油断しすぎよ。 ここが魔弾世界でなければ、とうの昔に全 員串刺しだ」
隻眼を光らせ、 イージェスが言った。
The remaining two blood spears went straight for the two men in the center of the formation who were aiming at the ice world.
"As expected."
The two captains deployed in front of them, Nero and Corkus, caught them with their magical barriers. They must have anticipated this situation from the time the blood lances circled their left and right flanks, and were on the verge of falling back.
Berenizia Noyne: "<Magic Deep-Spouting Wave Cannon>"
A great deal of magical power is concentrated in the two guns. Blue magic bullets were fired at the ice world.
Immediately afterwards, however, the two magic bullets were pierced by the bone spears, causing a huge explosion. Captain Leggero of the Ninth and Captain Viridia of the Tenth were swallowed by the explosion.
There was no time for the magic spear of Eges.
The tip of the Dirfinstain pathetic scarlet pith pierced through their muzzle, transcending dimensions.
Berenizia Noin: It is difficult to inflict a mortal wound with a magic spear. Eges was aiming to detonate a <Magic Deep Melt Wave Cannon> at close range of them.
The fact that he used the blood lance to prevent them from firing it was one of his strategies to make them let their guard down.
He wanted them to think that they could win if they could shoot, but in fact, he was planning to penetrate the magic bullet at the moment of shooting.
"You're too careless just because it's a spear. If this were not the world of magic bullets, they would have skewered everyone long ago."
With a gleam in his eye, Eges said.
Its a shame but we cant get tier 1 Maou through eges