He/Him- 17,174
- 12,815
You know what Its pretty much clear Layer 1 and above should have 2A AP low ball but wiki never gonna accept that logic so just adjusting to there own way. We have to sacrifice something to get something here.This one looks good. I don't see how this could be interpreted as 2-C below above baseline because Egil Grone Angdroa is a spell that destroys hundreds and thousands of worlds, unlike Gilieriam Naviem, which only destroys a single world a thousand times. Egil Grone Angdroa spans hundreds and thousands of worlds. Being a world-destroying magic that is not capable of destroying a single object in a deep world. The only way to destroy him would be to deepen the spell.
Anyway, I agree with that. It's just that I believe that just destroying a single simple object in layers 2 onwards should automatically get AP 2-B. Since world destroying spells (which would be talking about Gilieriam Naviem and Egil Grone Angdroa) not be able to destroy simple objects in deep layered worlds.
Layer 0 being able to hold infinite universes logically makes deeper layer 1 universe having 2A Durability.
Also anyway I thought something else. Inaccessible coordinates. For mortals Gods world is inaccessible for God's Silver Sea is inaccessible. It's pretty much clear even if consider Mortal world 3D and gods world 4D ( which can be backed up statement) and Silver Sea being inaccessible to gods and higher order(reality) 5D but well not many gonna buy this thing.