I just wish LGS could post some skill feats for Arthur, but alas its just shooting at slow moving targets which he considers skill.
First of all, nobody is taking you seriously at this point. Your intention is clear as day, ranging from you downplaying Arthur, wanking Loid then literally ignoring the skill feats presented to you.
Ok, but does well trained make them harder to target?
Someone with extensive training is obviously going to make for a more difficult target to hit. This is a self fulfilling question my dude, if someone if we'll trained then they have the experience to deal with that situation.
Since u have been pushing this, surely u could show me the fruits of their training where they are much harder to target because they are trained?
It's literally common sense. It doesn't take rocket science to realize the difference between shooting trained soldiers and shooting some random thugs.
Also, considering Arthur has leagues better feats than shooting moving people in their vitals behind his back without even looking while also fighting other characters in H2H. He should surely be able to do more than 2 tasks considering how u are portraying him.
I've already provided the feats to which again you've either ignored or downplayed. To which I'll point out, anyone can see.
What are those better feats? Please show them.
I've posted them before, you've been ignoring them. You intentionally acting dismissive and ignorant doesn't make your argument legitimate. Address the feats that I've posted instead of falsely claiming I haven't posted any, which is dishonest as ****.
But the opposite isn't true?
Shooting targets from afar is inherently more difficult than shooting people at a close range.
The further they are the harder they are to hit.
Precisely, the further away the more difficult it is to land, and Arthur has tons of impressive sniper feats.
and the longer it takes bullets to cover the distance so if a guy who is comparable to speed of bullets cannot dodge something from 20 meters away?
Not while being targeted by bullets that travel faster than his reaction speed while Arthur's own are amped to the point where Loid is moving in slow motion, giving him the ability to shoot first and multiple times at that.
There is no difference between 2m, 20m or 200m or 2km distance cos Dead-Eye?
Did you hear me say anything about Dead-Eye being able to shoot from 200m or 2km away. This is an irrelevant point to make, and is just a pathetic attempt to strawman.
U do know that they start out of their line of sight right? Like if Loid gets shot, surely he can find some distance and cover in the middle of a city.
Fully aware, that's made irrelevant due to Eagle-Eye as pointed out above. Also why are you assuming Loid has enough speed to avoid Arthur, out dozens of meters of distance between them and run around a city while Arthur is just standing there.
So distance and speed becomes completely irrelevant in the RDR verse bcos u can draw first with Dead-Eye?
Did you head me say speed and distance are irrelevant because of Dead-Eye? Distance is irrelevant due to them having firearms that far exceed a mere 20 meters, and speed isn't something thats an advantage for Loid. Arthur is the only one here who can amp his attack speed via various rounds, and is the only one with a reaction speed amp. He'll get the drop first because he'll see what Loid's doing in slow-mo.
So you are basically saying bullets don't even have to travel any distance and like spawn on the targets regardless of whether the target is 2m away or 20m or 200m or anywhere within Dead-Eye's range and is also irrespective of if the character is as fast as a normal human or MHS?
Dude literally all of your arguments rely on strawmaning the **** out of an argument. Nobody ever said Dead-Eye has infinite speed and spawns on people, nor has anyone insinuated that. It doesn't take a genius to realize that when two characters have the same speed and one of those characters has the means to amp his reaction and attack speed that he'll have the advantage in attacking first.
This is interesting, why is it not accepted in the profiles that Dead-Eye works irrespective of the target's distance or speed?
Because you purposely made a strawman argument. Nobody ever said Arthur has Infinite Speed or whatever your rambling on.
You're the one that's talking about some argument that was never made or implied.
Loid is dodging bullets not Arthur's perception.
Loid is not dodging bullets that travel faster than his movement and reaction speed, fired by
someone's who's capable of amping his perception to a near halt.
It doesn't matter how Arthur sees Loid.
It absolutely does, your saying a reaction speed amp is irrelevant whenever it's used to get the drop on opponents.
His reactions are amped, ergo he's vastly quicker to react.
whether he sees him as a statue or something very fast its just his perception speed and not the bullets, so irrelevant argument.
A reaction speed + attack speed amps are anything but irrelevant.
So u agree items take time to consume even if its a little, should be enough to close the gap.
First of all Loid shooting and injuring Arthur before he himself is pumped full of lead.
Does Loid have a way to increase his combat speed? Does he have a way to increase his reaction speed? Does he have a way to increase his movement speed? No.
Also, I didn't ignore about Eagle-Eye, I didn't even argue against it's effectiveness in the first place. Like why are u even making false accusations.
This is ironic as **** lmfao. You haven't been addressing any of the points made, that's called ignoring text book.
Aren't u wanking Arthur to be like some Chuck Norris or Indian Action movie hero, who can win any gun battle regardless of the targets speed or distance because he can draw faster?
First of all nice Chuck Norris reference in 2024. Keep that shit in 2009, secondly I've provided feats for Arthur, of which he has plenty more than Loid. He can draw faster and shoot faster via various rounds as I've pointed out, again you've simply ignored it.
Yeah yeah, these Western Gangs were wielding guns as a foetus I get it. They are so skilled and well trained that they become instantly irrelevant bcos Arthur has Dead Eye so he can blitz everyone which takes away the skill argument from both Arthur and his targets.
Dead-Eye is a skill feat. Oh? This is interesting, so your admitting Dead-Eye blitzes his opponent but yet you claim he can't blitz Loid? Make up your mind.
Also, why them being skilled or trained with guns make them being any harder to target with guns. What relevancy does skill and training have with them being shot at?
This is redundant as ****. Being experienced in western duels or even in general fire fights gives you plenty of experience while being shot at. You learn how to remain calm while being shot at, and taught how to effectively shoot back while under gunfire. Like seriously how are you even asking that?
Nevermind the fact that Loid has engaged with the same from an even more modern setting, modern equipment and modern training.
Which is irrelevant due to Arthur's Dead-Eye, faster bullets, wider range of tools at his disposal, and the fact that Loid isn't exactly modern himself.
Then what are they capable of with their training or skills, since u are bringing it up all the time. How does it help them when they are being shot at. And what are those skill feats, I have yet to see the fruits of their training. All I am seeing is a guy who can shoot at slow moving targets bcos of deadeye.
Read above, it's simple as ****. Arthur has plenty more experience in being shot at while shooting back than Loid does. Loid isn't the type to get himself caught in trouble in the first place.
Over decades of training Gunslingers can unlock Dead-Eye, the aforementioned ability that halts the users perception of time, allows them to view vitals as clear as day, allows for enhanced vision (John and Arthur have used it while being blinded in eyes before.). And Arthur can copy that instantly after seeing it used once.
he can master hunting and using a bow instantly on the first try despite never having done it before.
Kills entire towns worth of men casually, successfully dogged the Military, Police and Blackwater Agents on multiple occasions, can hunt down the most dangerous of wild animals that not even extremely seasoned outdoorsman were capable of killing.
Learning assassination skills quickly from Native Tribes, shooting air born targets out of the sky such as multiple birds,
killed the most dangerous gunslingers in the verse that have decade's upon decades worth of experience.
escaped a war torn island in the middle of a massive war, successfully broke John out of prison while killing hordes of police.
I've posted the majority of these to which you keep ignoring.
Bruh its even worse for Arthur then.
This logic makes zero sense.
Goons are literally in front of him who are in slow motion.
Those aren't goons, those are the sheriff's of the town.
He doesnt even have to do anything cos DeadEye makes him way faster than his opponents.
Using your own logic here Dead-Eye would do the same to Loid.
This is the worst skill argument I have heard.
Then you obviously haven't read your own bullshit then.
And how will Loid take out gunslingers, when he is in a completely different setting.
Not my problem, the setting is irrelevant. He either has to showcase similar shooting skills to Morgan which he doesn't. He's a spy, not a combatant.
like what kind of goofy ass argument is that.
An argument that's about a thousand times more structured than yours.
Also, he has taken care of military police, secret service and even dangerous suicide dogs with bombs btw.
Scans then, and shooting a bomb off a dog is hardly impressive
whenever Arthur can shoot wicks off the sticks of tnt.
Bruh, u don't know shit about his background then.
Enlisting in the military doesn't mean he was active in service or went to a combat zone. You got anything else other than a vague statement which doesn't go over his involvement in missiona? Yeah exactly.
And will u now actually post skill feats or are u just making shit up.
Buddy you're the one making shit up here. I've provided plenty of skill feats, many more than you have to which you've ignored as others have pointed out.
Bcos shooting slow moving targets is not skill,
Arthur is literally the same speed as them, there's multiple of them, trained gangs or military personnel, Dead-Eye being a skill feat, etc.
cos dude spams dead-eye and is shooting randos who are also basically statues.
Making Loid a statue as well using your own logic. Your just playing yourself at this point with the amount of contradiction your making.
Or his targets being skilled with guns doesn't make them any harder to target.
It absolutely does whenever they live on a daily basis in gunfights.
And if the training does make them different can u show me how.
I quite literally don't need to show you shit. Being experienced in gunfights is obviously going to make you more difficult to hit, taking cover behind objects, unlocking Dead-Eye, etc.
Unless u want to say all the randos are Supersonic and they still get shot at?
Again another strawman.
Also considering the arguments are basically going in circles at this point with Arthur's side saying that with Dead Eye the starting conditions, distance and speed of target becomes completely irrelevant bcos Arthur can draw his gun faster.
I swear to God I'm starting to think if you go 5 minutes without using a strawman fallacy you'd implode. Nobody ever said all that was made completely irrelevant,
the starting distance is something where they can both attack from, the speed of the target in question is the same as Arthur who's the only one capable of amping his reaction speed and attack speed.
and Loid side basically saying that those conditions are relevant and Loid has advantage in every other category.
Not really.
Arthur is the better shoot.
Arthur is the only one who has the ability to amp his own reaction and attack speed.
Arthur is the only one who can heal.
Arthur has a vastly bigger kit.
Arthur has means of countering most of Loid's arsenal.
Arthur has the better range via High Velocity ammunition.
Arthur is the only one who can copy shit instantly.
Yeah no. Ultimately your arguments don't hold much weight, are founded on blatant strawman fallacies, being dismissive of evidence presented to you, etc. This is my last reply to you.