Saw this the other day but wasn't exactly able to type up.
I think the Engine Soldiers from
What a Beautiful Series may count. While there isn't a page for them (generally as I assume there's just not a lot of info to them), they're like about I'd say Subsonic (most likely Supersonic as they can keep up with characters like
this girl who can dodge and react to bullets) to that of Street level ish as one of them was able to at least knock down a steel door or so I recall.
Generally, they're fodder as even the girl above and
this guy can fight off/OHKO one respectively but in most normal cases against non-superhumans they're pretty tough. I also recall a group of them being able to suppress Critters, which are basically
these guys although those are for more of the "smaller ones" and the smallest are about 3 meters tall with the tallest being about 20 meters or so one of the earliest VN's says it as.
Critters might arguably qualify as some of the VN series Fodders. Though not fast and they don't show a lot of DC/AP feats (in fact, they're really just Supersonic and vary from Wall level to Building level for the strongest), all of them have in common all of these perks linked
here and, for those who have read through it, that's how tough they are to beat.
Although I argue that they MIGHT be Fodders for WAB or make up some of them cuz while they are a threat to even the Engine Knights I mentioned, those like
Dr. Gii and
Golden King just happen to have abilities that OHKO them (even more so + resisting them in the former's case).