Hehhehhehehehheheh ahahhahahahaha I have gained my freedom ahahhahahahaha.
Anyway, Caine can affect Vivic as he can affect Platonic concepts and fight using them, as well as affecting Angels and Demons as well as being able to Fight Lilith who is on a level of transduality that is beyond Taiji/Wuji (Where Wuji was before differentiations and can be considered Unity).
As well as Caine having Passive powers like disbelief hax which can power null all of the Mage's abilities by him simply not believing they exist and can disbelieve Vivic out of Existence passively and incap him.
Obviously Caine cannot get past True-Godly, not until I get WoD into 1-A that's is, but Caine has the abilities for an Incap victory.
Caine May have a True Name but Archmages can break and protect themselves from sympathy and remove their own True Names, but it is unknown if Caine has one.
On top of all this Caine's hax are on this Low 1-C / High 1-C Level and then has the seven-fold curse which deals 7 times the damage Caine receives and 7 times the painful death if Caine dies from his curse, which was given to him by God, who is Infinite infinities above Beings who are MASSIVELY above Baseline High1-C.
To push the point even further, Caine can manipulate, create and destroy Spirits, which in WoD, Spirits are philosophies, ideas, mathematical formula, concepts, hypothesis, psychological thesis and Religious Belief.
And to add the nail to this bible coffin, Caine can control the Narrative and Hypernarrative on a level above the Author (GM/Storyteller)