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In the Kid Icarus franchise, Pit regularly encounters the Eggplant Wizards, an enemy type capable of turning Pit into an eggplant, which could be permanent if Pit didn't go to a hospital in the first game. However, in Kid Icarus Uprising, it's a temporary effect. Also, there's a variation of the Eggplants Wizards in Kid Icarus Uprising called Tempura Wizards, capable of turning Pit into a tempura, which is also temporary. Palutena states in game that it's her powers that are making Pit turn back to normal after a while.
Wouldn't this make Pit resistant to Transmutation? By the way, are online matches considered cannon? Dark Pit never faced these enemies, but he does recover from being transformed into an eggplant or a tempura by other players during team battles.
Wouldn't this make Pit resistant to Transmutation? By the way, are online matches considered cannon? Dark Pit never faced these enemies, but he does recover from being transformed into an eggplant or a tempura by other players during team battles.