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- #41
@Where did you get this? couldn’t this help with context in other feats
alright so the summary of the chapter we have at hand is not hermeneutic which is the assumption here, it appears that the party that takes an opposition to my stance seems to believe that the only existing interpretation based on the summary's translation is that reo killed the gunmen with an AK
i believe that the interpretation about the marks being made by reo physically is superior than the interpretation about reo using an AK from distance to take out the gunmen
first of all, using the source for the sumary that was provided earlier, there are a couple contradictions with the interpretation about the gunshots being made through reo using an AK
the own website's summary that the opposite stance is using as a basis for their argument has a very obvious contradiction towards their premise
''A loud gunshot echoes.'' (scan 1)
literally the first sentence of the chapters summary already makes the stance about the marks being made by reo phyiscally a more superior interpretation, gunshot in singular form indicates, well, obvioulsy a single gunshot
the opposing party provided a mistranslation to back up their stance, dont know if that was intentional or not
(see scan 2)
in the japanese version, this is the sequence of characters that we have:
(see scan 3)
''激しい銃声が響き渡る。'' or Hageshī jūsei ga hibiki wataru. which translates to ''A loud gunshot echoes.'', once again gunshot in singular form
each gunman had 4 marks on their back while a single gunshot was fired which makes the ''reo killed the gunmen via firing an ak'' already illogical, a more logical interpretation would be the first gunman firing and the rest of them following along with the action once they've heard the signal, it doesnt make sense for them to start firing at the same time, obviously they'd follow after the first gunshot, now here im interpreting this feat as the first gunman attempting to fire his first shot and reo moving the AK's trajectory & finishing off the other gunmen, which would logically fall under the timeframe that we are using, (0.029s) since the other 3 gunmen cant react to the first gunman firing in such a short timeframe
the secondary argument the opposing party provides is an untranslated japanese scan and them claiming that those characters indicate gunshots, im not even gonna conted to this as they havent evidenced that argument properly yet, i also feel like the first argument that i already went over was the main one.
All translated using deepL. Which is the best translator it says the same thing “fierce Gunshot through the air”
-hyou (i dont have an account, i just made one and im waiting for it to get approved so ill argue through clout)
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