Iapitus The Impaler said:
Don't worry, we will. The issue is that there are many main characters and antagonists between the different routes
However, The thing at the end we were talking about may very well be a fusion of several of the characters. The Majestic Presence is an important part of the cosmology as well
There are no villain and allys Here
Hinata Ally bkz = Main Hero and He want to save Mitsuki and Hinata is Villain bkz He wants to save Misuki who was a drug Dealler
Ishtar is Ally = Mian Hero and wants to save her Elder sister and Ishtar is Villain Bkz She was Cracker and Leader of CRIMINAL
Yumi is Ally = Main Hero and Rejoining team with HE is kill tsuka and Yumi is Villain Bkz She was Cracker and Member of CRIMINAL
HE is Ally = Main Hero and want to save Mitsuki and is Villain Bkz fighting against Enlil who was saving the whole Babylon/Vitual World
Sakyua is Ally = Main Character and want to save Hinata and Mitsuki and is Villain Bkz of Joining team with CRIMINAL
Kosuke, Sami and Mego = Mian Character in Route 2 and Fight Against Code who Faught HE and Villain Bkz They were Cracker and Member of Criminal
Ashur is Ally = Main Character in Route END and team up with Heroes to Faught against Code and Villain Bkz He Tried to kill Mitsuki and Murduk
Marduk is Ally = Main Character in Route END and team up with Heroes to Faught against Code and Villain Bkz she Tried to Kill All heroes for Taking Mitsuki out of Enigma
Nabu is Ally = Main Character in Route END and was a Member of Anuniki and Villain Bkz he a also a Member of eXarch
Nergel is Ally = Side Character who was a member of Anuniki and Villain Bkz He didnt Fixed Masami's eye instead he Changed it Completly
Anu is Ally = Supreme Leader of Whole babylon World who Created everything for a dream world without Virus and she also Saved Hinata, Sakuya, HE, Enlil, Yumi and other by Giving her own Life and Villain of Regaining team with Enlil and Other
Enlil is Ally = Faught as team with Heroes and Others and Second Creator of Babylon World and Villain Bkz Faught against Hinata and HE
Meg is Ally = Thrid Member of Babylon World and Villain She Faught against Anu and she Tried to stop HE from saving Mitsuki
Ange and Farou is Ally = Working as a member D3dx and Villain Ange faught Against Mego and Farou is Always with Ange
MEGISTIC PRESENCE is ally = ??? and Villain ???