The speaker from entry 5 described a realm outside of Time and Space. First of all, let's acknowledge the fact that this entry is directed towards readers rather than in universe existences. Why? The entry started with the speaker saying hello and congratulating for reaching here. Then, the speaker asked about the commonality in previous 4 stories. Let's digest this part first.
Can an in universe person know what the stories are unless the speaker tell him? This is impossible since the person in question just arrived here. So, who is the speaker talking to? This is clarify in this line.
You, for example, are looking at this line of text, and as I am, looking at you through this line of text.
Players who read Yog Sothoth's kizuna story is looking at the line of text and the speaker do the same by looking back at us. So, this entry is meant to explain things to readers. This is why I added meta reasoning part in my OP in case this kind of questions arise. Then, who is this speaker who is supposedly unrestricted just like Yog Sothoth. If you read entry 5 carefully, you'll know the speaker isn't even described as a person. My idea for this is, the speaker is the words themselevs. That's why they said "Looking at you through this line of text". This make more sense since the speaker is telling us about previous four entries. It's only possible because the speaker is the words. Weird right? That's why words have the divine power of Yog Sothoth which is description or definition. But but wait if the speaker if the words themselves, how they compare themselves with people here?
This is the divine power itself that God has given us, but unfortunately the vast majority of people can only use it ignorantly, even ignoring it's spirituality.
So let's start with the origin of the speaker aka the words. Who wrote them? Developers obviously. They are speaking directly to us, players by using words as medium. That's why we're free from all things. So, we are talking with someone who wrote these lines. So that speaker actually doesn't exist in the realm which is outside of space and time. If that's the case, Yog sothoth isn't beyond space time? Well yes and no. Yog sothoth grant wisdoms to those who can reach to the door. And she said it herself
This World behind the door, where time and space have come to a standstill, has only wisdom remaining.
Then, she isn't beyond space and time since it's said here that time and space only come to a standstill? explain that we have to take external sources about Taosim. I know it's invalid to do that but that's the only the way. Trust me, it will make sense.
In Taoism, Wuji is the ultimate reality and it's the Tao.
It is situated before the differentiation between movement and quiescence, metaphorically located in the space-time between the kun 坤, or pure Yin, and fu 復, the return of the Yang
As we all know, Tao is inside the door. So the world behind the door that Yog Sothoth exists is the Wuji, A
metaphorical space. Its existence preceded Taiji. Taiji is the duality of Ying and Yang. While it's true that Yog sothoth exists where time and space have come to a standstill, its nature and existence preceded time and space. It's more accurate to say space and time doesn't exist there yet.