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Fortissimo is a visual novel series created by Kamiya Suguru and published by La'cryma. In the original Fortissimo series, it follows Reiji Yoshino, a young teen who has come back to his home island of Tsukuyomi-jima after spending a few years out traveling and working in order to spend his life...
I will get straight to the point.
Years ago I've made a CR thread as an attempt to upgrade this franchise due to the verse being mishandled by outdated translation. Of course I didn't proceed with it because I felt like it wasn't enough. After spending some time re-reading the Visual Novel as well as collecting enough scans to make a new, revamped respect thread, I decided that it is about time to nuke the entire verse page (and character pages) from existence.
There are tons of reasons why they are so wrong and just all over the place. But the most obvious reason is the one that every Japanese verses can get: Translation. Exactly, as much as I appreciated Kratosirving's efforts to translate the first Fortissimo game and the sequel, Kadenz Fermata (I mean, without his videos, I wouldn't even know about this amazing franchise), however, considering with our current standard, his translation is very, very, VERY outdated at this moment. Lots of stuffs are just wrong due to the ability of Machine Translation from back then did not up to par. Thanks to it, the overall tier and scaling of the whole Fortissimo cast is abysmal, the fact that the verse page didn't count the feats from Kadenz doesn't help much either. Do remember that Fortissimo has glossaries dictionary and characters' abilities explanation as a form of battle status images, in which their verse page missed them A LOT. In any case, due to translation problem along with not many people support this verse anymore, it is the best option to just delete the whole thing due to misinformation and remake them from scratch. You can save them in sandbox if you want, but I still prefer the former option.
So, what about me then? For now I'm still being occupied with Demonbane project but worry not, I will create a new Fortissimo respect thread and a future CRT, with proper scaling, translation and feats. Just like how I did with Demonbane Mythos verse. As for Fortissimo please, put an end to its misery so that it can be reborn as a more accurate verse page.
Thank you and have a good day. Cheers.
Edit: Official statement from Kratosirving said that the translation is MTL:
"It really is a great story. I still can't really explain why, but when I first found the title back in 2010, it resonated with me on such a level that I put in the effort to get at least some basic machine TL programs and see if I could make some sort of psuedo-translation for Fortissimo, since I lacked the programming skills or money to find and hire someone that did have those skills. I know not everyone will enjoy Fortissimo, as people have varying tastes and interests. But for those who do take the time to read-along as it were I hope they enjoy the journey like I did."
"They're pretty old ones at this point; swapped around between ATLAS, ITH, Translator Aggregate, even Google Translate. Basically, the way I would do it was that I would run lines of text through multiple programs to try and not get stuck on using just 1 possible translation, then try and piece together a coherent sentence out of what I got. Went back and revised as needed."
Basically he used multiple machine translation tool like Atlas, Google Translate, Translator Aggregate and so on to "translate" the whole thing.
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