Well with the exception of
@Jasonsith everybody on this thread agrees that the multipliers are valid.
Well, it is not about that "I want this be a multiplier" and everyone wants that too and then make it a multiplier.
Back to the multiplier claim, here it is: From a technique called
Tenryu Kokyu Ho,
"A normal human body can only use 30% of their strength at most; however, with Tenryū Kokyū Hō, the rest of the 70% is utilized."
The 3.33 times multiplier comes from the mathematical working (100%/30%) that "A normal human body can use 30% of their strength at most" actually is a quantitative claim
(Say when we claim that a project move by an inch we can just be claiming that the job progress is not moving as expected.)
Since normal humans are just normal human tiers (or maybe Street level mobs for casually beheading people or even Wall level for casually crushing normal human skulls), the claim that this statement means a solid quantitative multiplier is made invalid. Kenshiro using it multiple times (or just spilling ki visually without even screaming "transform") means only fan service or just a display of his anger or seriousness.
Oh normal humans die from far less than a nuke (unless you are Hokuto Shinken practitioner or any touki user better than Jagi). So I really do not think this is a solid multiplier acceptable for VS debating.
The central idea of the Tenryu Kokyu Hou is that "you get a boost from a fight". It does not mean anything even quantitative despite having numbers attached. It means nothing else. Not a multiplier.
That Kenshiro shreds his clothes when he gets serious or angry or whatever even when he is not screaming Tenryu Kokyu Hou. He only screamed that word once when fighting Devil Rebirth.
Touki users can spill ki without using Tenryu Kokyu Hou.
(Just want to remind myself:
1. I know that there are some calcs I have missed out during the months. Mind quoting them again?
(Like there should be one cloud splitting feat where Kenshiro vs Kaioh happens)
2. I remember that from my calculation blog on Raoh splitting cloud feat that some parameters have been literally crossed out so that the yield ends from such cannot be accepted at all. Make sure any amendment does not base on what already rejected)