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Final Fantasy XIII & Type-0 Revision: Everyone is Here

Reaction score
Part 4 and hopefully the last part of this for a very long time. This revision is going to be pretty short in comparison to others and serves as a half-follow up to my 'Cie Mythology revision as well as cleaning up some minor details. However, the primary focus of this revision is introducing new characters onto this wiki which will be putting some faces to names that I've mentioned in previous revisions. And then for no one to use them. Without further ado let's get this over with to some music. If I take a while to reply to stuff, it's because I'm busy am not going to have too much time on my hands for a while, plus I'm fighting back getting sick currently.

Everyone is Here!
As the name implies, all of the necessary characters important to this cosmology are now on this wiki. Many new faces and some old ones getting face lifts with new profiles. All of which can be checked out in the sandbox below

21 total profiles. With many new names and faces introduced I should go over one particular person within the sandbox as their relevance is vital to this cosmology.

Who is Yuel?

There are two parts in answering this question, first is who Yuel is a character, and the second is what is her relevance to this cosmology so let's begin with the former. Yuel is the first human ever created from Etro's spilled blood and was the first to ever receive their "Heart" and "Soul" formed from Chaos. She is what's known as a "Seeress", a person granted with the gift of prophecy through the "Eyes of Etro" at the cost of a shortened lifespan. However, due to a blessing from "Etro" she is stuck in an endless cycle of death and reincarnation. Each new Yuel carries on the knowledge and experiences of their past lives, and are granted the same power and name. Physically however, the Yuels vary between being able to function normally to being physically impaired and having trouble doing basic tasks such as walking and running.

Second part her relevance to this particular cosmology. To put it simply, Yuel is Chaos or to put it more accurately, she is a being who embodies it, and as the first human ever made her actions have an adverse effect on everyone who possesses it. (Though killing her does not kill Chaos, sorry Jack). Each Yeul who has died over the course of many years have their souls join the Chaos. Causing it to evolve and grow stronger than before (Which will have a big effect on Hax but I'll get to that...whenever I feel like it). Which in turn causes all those who possess it to grow stronger, which in turn means everyone.

One last look at the Akashic Records

Two revisions ago, I covered this but thought it was worth revisiting with Yuel's introduction. Yuel is acknowledged as one of many authors of historical texts akin to the Akashic Records. Which as explored in previous revisions, these texts are able to overwrite realities to their whim based on what's written within them, and these texts are tied to the will of the crystals, which subsequently acts as a source of fragments. Which as previously mentioned are stated to hold the information and stories of all things. Which in turn are born from the Unseen Realm and by extension a side effect of "Chaos". The Unseen Realm is confirmed to be a Higher Dimension from which Chaos comes from which forms everything and defines everything that makes up FFXIII's Mutliverse and beyond, down to Concepts, Information, Stories, Space & Time alongside and the worlds that contain them, are defined by them, but are also transcended by Chaos and the Unseen Realm, being referred to as "Lower Worlds". This includes the Valhalla. Which in it of itself is confirmed to be a higher dimension that is stated numerous times to be beyond Space-Time and all timelines and dimensions are able to be seen from, and are contained within a structure known as the Historia Crux, which is described as a nowhere space. This includes FFXIII's infinite timelines, The Void from which multiple characters scale to 2-A from, and likely The Spiral. All of which are 2-A confirmed to be 2-A sized multiverses, and all of which are confirmed to be inferior to the world of Valhalla, being referred to as it's mere shadow. So short: The Unseen Realm > Valhalla > The Void.

Now what does this have to do with Yuel? Well one day straight up disconnected herself from the literal pages of history. Due to her tie to Chaos, this would have a big ramification going forward as it would cause Humans to gain the ability to disconnect from them as well, being able to be free and choose their own fates and become their own personal authors, as seen with Class Zero freed from the bindings of the akashic records, allowing them to become their "personal authors" and overwrite them. All of this is due to Yuel leaving the pages of history, allowing them to be disconnected from the aspects of Time, History, and Narrative.

Revamping NEP and Type 4 Acausality

Continuing on from the last section, Several more examples of this can be seen. from being the FFXIII party breaking out of Cie'th corruption and turned their brands white. Which was accepted in the last revision to be defying fate itself, Sazh being able to change the outcome of a coin flip that represented Life and Death, into a new possibility of reuniting with his lost pet Chocobo, which was actively described as changing the rules of Space-Time, and conforming the world to his will. Snow Villiers who continuing to exist despite being tied to a past that was erased from existence. All of this is due to their ties to Chaos which actively defies the laws of the physical worlds below.

Chaos as mentioned before defines all of existence, and serves as the foundation of all material things. It's concepts of Space-Time and form vary between worlds ranging from normal to Nonexistent. This not only define places, but beings as well from normal humans, to robots, and even Fal'Cie, As per the previous revision, Fal'Cie up to a certain tier are accepted to exist between Dream and Reality and not be tied to either one, with Dreams being tied to Nonexistence itself, hence Type 2. Hearts and Souls however, signify both Existence and Nonexistence, hence Type 3. It also reaches places like the Void, from which multiple characters scale to Type 1, and The Unseen Realm itself is straight up Non-existent, completely lacking the concepts of space-time and form. This all possible do to it's paradoxical nature.

  • Ramifications on Chaos
Chaos' NEP will be changed to encompass All Natures, and All aspects. Akin to such characters such as IX (Honkai Star Rail), and Alva Avan Edison (Shiei no Sona-Nyl). The Type 5 aspects of Chaos' being Time, History, and Narrative

Type 4 Acausality will give resistance to Probability, Causality, Fate, and Law Manipulation

Record of Ragnarok (No not this one)

As touched upon in my last revision. A L'Cie is a being who are cursed by a Fal'Cie to carry out a specific task under their orders. Depending on whether one succeeds or fails usually results one of two outcomes (check my last revision for more details).

However, one aspect of the 'Cie mythology that I didn't go over was a specific kind of L'Cie, two special characters with the potential to become something greater than anything individually, known as Ragnarok. Ragnarok is a legendary beast character that two specific L'Cie's have the potential to become. It's canonically the strongest form a L'Cie is capable of obtaining and due to being part of the 'Cie mythology, deities would naturally upscale from powers showcased from it which we'll get into in a little bit.

The League of Extraordinary Geniuses

The Fal'Cie deities, Hope Estheim, and Yuel all have Extraordinary Genius ratings for intelligence for their profiles. This section will go over as to why the qualify for this. Simply put, Chaos passively causes Space-Time entanglements across both other higher dimensions and lower-world multiverses. These Space-Time entanglements have the past and future overlap with one another. Causing impossibilities to come into existence that distort and warp reality just by existing, a paradox. This effect is pretty directly compared to the infamous Schrodinger's Cat experiment and the characters I've mentioned are notable experts in these fields and are able to understand this inside and out.

Hax Additions
Ok, now for the big new stuff. The additions granted through multiple feats.




Ragnarok Physiology

Incomplete Version

Completed Version


Fal'Cie (Low Tier)


Fal'Cie (Mid Tier)
Eradia Manipulation

For detail on how these changes will be reflected. Check out these sandboxes below

Data Manipulation and Information Manipulation (Magic is synced with Relics, which are used for Data Input and communication, Relics being tied to the crystals, which in turn are tied to Fal'Cie deities who are capable of creating entire realities composed of data such as Orphan's Cradle)

The Savior (Complete Vessel) > Bhunivelze (2nd Form) >>> Bhunivelze (Default) >=The Savior (Incomplete Vessel) >= Caius Ballad (Lightning Returns) > The Fal'Cie Gods (Pulse, Lindzei, and Etro) >> Snow Villiers (Cie'th Corruption) >>> Snow Villiers (Lightning Returns) = Oerba Yun Fang (Lightning Returns) = Noel Kreiss (Lightning Returns) >= Caius Ballad (XIII-2) > Serah Farron and Noel Kriess (XIII-2) >= Lightning (Knight of Etro) > Snow Villiers (XIII-2) > Arecia and Gala > Gilgamesh & Omega > Coliseum Extras (Jihl Nabaat and other characters) > (Void Characters; Enuo >>> Exdeath)

And that'll do it. Pretty short by comparison to other revisions, and this'll be the last major hax revision that I do for a long while. If there's more it will be on a significantly smaller scale. I feel nothing

Agree: 4 (DarkDragonMedeus, Theglassman12 (Waiting on his response to only a few things. Agrees with most of this; Update: everything has been resolved), Eseseco, Elizhaa)
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This is clickbait, the entire class Zero is not there, plus the random tutorial boss doesn’t have a page either, shit tier revision.
Not gonna comment on anything else but I heavily disagree with infinite speed since it's just referring to a location where you're able to get to other places quicker through it and thus the distance required to travel there is removed rather than moving at infinite speeds.
Not gonna comment on anything else but I heavily disagree with infinite speed since it's just referring to a location where you're able to get to other places quicker through it and thus the distance required to travel there is removed rather than moving at infinite speeds.
I don't really care about the speed stuff tbh, but this responses kind of misses the point altogether. The argument has nothing to do with characters walking through that place where there's no distance. The argument is that that Magic itself removed distance altogether from that place and characters can constantly fight against and dodge magic attacks etc. Akin to Castlevania, from whom Death is able to kill distance with attacks and has Infinite as a result.
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I don't really care about the speed stuff tbh, but this responses kind of misses the point altogether. The argument has nothing to do with characters walking through that place where there's no distance. The argument is that that Magic itself removed distance altogether from that place and characters can constantly fight against and dodge magic attacks etc. Akin to Castlevania, from whom Death is able to kill distance with attacks and has Infinite as a result.
It's also kind of a huge jump to say one application of magic should also just apply to every single possible use of it. The usage of magic here also is more so spatial manipulation rather than something done with sheer speed or an attack that travels distance in 0 time whatever. There's just a huge leap in logic trying to scale it to infinite speed + scaling every magic to infinite speed.
Absolute 🔥, solid agree!

Make Valhalla and the Unseen Realm Tier 1, coward.

Edit: My thoughts are the same as Glass on the Infinite Speed for Magic.
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Bypassing distance to attack someone via some spatial cut can count for infinite attack speed, however for this to properly scale they'd also need some feats of reacting to the attacks of bypassing distance/space when being attacked. Death's statement by itself would've only been infinite attack speed at best, but the fact both Olrox and Richter canonically dodges the attack when it occurs makes this fully scaled to their speed. Magic being able to warp space by shortening the distance or removing the concept of time wouldn't really help with infinite speed. If it was something like Odin slicing through space to instantly attack someone where they stood despite Odin not being there physically and they dodged it you have an argument for Infinite speed, but magic being like that wouldn't be enough unfortunately.

The extraordinary geniuses section looks good, though just make sure you have any instances of them being able to understand the timeline shenanigans into their pages to back it up for those not familiar with 13.

Yuel being chaos looks fine.

The Akashic records I'm a little unsure on, mostly for the plot manipulation stuff (assuming this is meant to help back up the justifications for it). Is any more elaboration to show when they talk about "writing their own endings" or being removed from the pages, are they being more literal about this with any form of meta narrative implications like how there's a story or a main character changing their role in the plot? If you have anything like that it can help back up the plot hax justifications.

Type 4 Acausality looks good though I'm a little lost with the causality resistance tied to it, the probability stuff with Sazh and the fate and law stuff with the focus I can understand, but causality I'm unsure where this resistance would come from.

Yeah the NEP being all Natures I find to be kind of dumb, mostly due to how contradictory it is (Honkai and What a Beautiful series having it doesn't really change the fact that it's dumb they have numerous aspects at once and not with specific states). Type 1 Nature is that you don't exist, Type 2 is that you're neither Existing nor Not existing (neither 0 or 1 in this case), and type 3 is the fact that you're simultaneously both existing and not existing, you can't have all Nature unless you have one type as an avatar and another as a true form kind of way, which would make more sense. This would grant the heart and soul type 3 Nature while whoever is fal'cie status would be type 2 Nature, so splitting them off based on specific parts of them would be better, but saying them in general just having all 3 Natures feels as illogical as having both type 4 and type 5 acausality.

Reactive evolution, resistance negation and invulnerability negation seems ok.

Void resistance, absolute zero and deconstruction resistance looks ok.

Does the orphan realm have anything else like the data being used in any harmful ways? If not then I'm unsure if that can constitute as a resistance for existing there unless there's anything about it being harmful in nature.

Do we count the summons in FF to be elemental spirits? I don't recall that being accepted unless there's a CRT I missed that made them naturally incorporeal with their element.

Is there any scans that mention summoning Eidolons results in instant death? If so then resistance to death hax would be fine.

everything else looks good.
Believe me I'd love too since 2-A is a trash tier to be in since there's only a couple of doable matches, but that's not up to me mate.
Not to derail, but I gotta say that this:

Which in turn are born from the Unseen Realm and by extension a side effect of "Chaos". The Unseen Realm is confirmed to be a Higher Dimension from which Chaos comes from which forms everything and defines everything that makes up FFXIII's Mutliverse and beyond, down to Concepts, Information, Stories, Space & Time alongside and the worlds that contain them, are defined by them, but are also transcended by Chaos and the Unseen Realm, being referred to as "Lower Worlds". This includes the Valhalla. Which in it of itself is confirmed to be a higher dimension that is stated numerous times to be beyond Space-Time and all timelines and dimensions are able to be seen from, and are contained within a structure known as the Historia Crux, which is described as a nowhere space. This includes FFXIII's infinite timelines, The Void from which multiple characters scale to 2-A from, and likely The Spiral. All of which are 2-A confirmed to be 2-A sized multiverses, and all of which are confirmed to be inferior to the world of Valhalla, being referred to as it's mere shadow. So short: The Unseen Realm > Valhalla > The Void.

All seems like a good case for 5D Valhalla and 5D/6D Unseen Realm.

But that would probably be another CRT.
@Eseseso I'd prefer keeping the tier 1 buffs for the series to be on hold until we get a cosmology blog for the entire franchise finished and approved, if we push for the tier 1 buffs we'd probably get way too many threads questioning why everything cross scales without an actual blog explaining the ins and outs akin to Megami Tensei or God of War.
Bypassing distance to attack someone via some spatial cut can count for infinite attack speed, however for this to properly scale they'd also need some feats of reacting to the attacks of bypassing distance/space when being attacked. Death's statement by itself would've only been infinite attack speed at best, but the fact both Olrox and Richter canonically dodges the attack when it occurs makes this fully scaled to their speed. Magic being able to warp space by shortening the distance or removing the concept of time wouldn't really help with infinite speed. If it was something like Odin slicing through space to instantly attack someone where they stood despite Odin not being there physically and they dodged it you have an argument for Infinite speed, but magic being like that wouldn't be enough unfortunately.

The extraordinary geniuses section looks good, though just make sure you have any instances of them being able to understand the timeline shenanigans into their pages to back it up for those not familiar with 13.

Yuel being chaos looks fine.

The Akashic records I'm a little unsure on, mostly for the plot manipulation stuff (assuming this is meant to help back up the justifications for it). Is any more elaboration to show when they talk about "writing their own endings" or being removed from the pages, are they being more literal about this with any form of meta narrative implications like how there's a story or a main character changing their role in the plot? If you have anything like that it can help back up the plot hax justifications.

Type 4 Acausality looks good though I'm a little lost with the causality resistance tied to it, the probability stuff with Sazh and the fate and law stuff with the focus I can understand, but causality I'm unsure where this resistance would come from.

Yeah the NEP being all Natures I find to be kind of dumb, mostly due to how contradictory it is (Honkai and What a Beautiful series having it doesn't really change the fact that it's dumb they have numerous aspects at once and not with specific states). Type 1 Nature is that you don't exist, Type 2 is that you're neither Existing nor Not existing (neither 0 or 1 in this case), and type 3 is the fact that you're simultaneously both existing and not existing, you can't have all Nature unless you have one type as an avatar and another as a true form kind of way, which would make more sense. This would grant the heart and soul type 3 Nature while whoever is fal'cie status would be type 2 Nature, so splitting them off based on specific parts of them would be better, but saying them in general just having all 3 Natures feels as illogical as having both type 4 and type 5 acausality.

Reactive evolution, resistance negation and invulnerability negation seems ok.

Void resistance, absolute zero and deconstruction resistance looks ok.

Does the orphan realm have anything else like the data being used in any harmful ways? If not then I'm unsure if that can constitute as a resistance for existing there unless there's anything about it being harmful in nature.

Do we count the summons in FF to be elemental spirits? I don't recall that being accepted unless there's a CRT I missed that made them naturally incorporeal with their element.

Is there any scans that mention summoning Eidolons results in instant death? If so then resistance to death hax would be fine.

everything else looks good.
Alright, thanks for clarifying that in regards to Magic. Though as for Odin, isn't that what's already accepted for him since Zantetsuken opens a rift in Space-Time to take remains with it's strike, and would this be an example of what you're looking for or something else?

Well Fragments are mentioned as nuggets of information which hold the memories and stories of all things, all of which are tied back to the Crystals which as mentioned overwrite reality with what's written within the Akashic Records and the people that write them as mentioned are referred to as Authors. Class Zero are mentioned to be literal manifestations of destiny itself, and their power writes the last pages of the records which detail the end of their victory, at the cost of their own lives to break the never ending timeloops done by the Spiral or "Cycles" as they call it. The Akashic records themselves are then literally presented to Arecia on a silver platter. It's also mentioned Class Zero's ending of the Akashic Records also cause the Crystals in Type-0 to lose their power all together and result in the creation of an alternate timeline where the events of the game never happened, and all of this ties back to Yuel disconnecting herself from the pages of history. Does this help?

Causality actually comes from Snow's feat rather than Sazh's, or at least the argument for it. As he continues to exist despite his originating from a past that was wiped from History, and when the future is changed, the past is reorganized to support the logical outcome and vice versa. Yet Snow just...no sells it.

I mean wouldn't that require a site wide revision on NEP as a whole? I mean I don't have any problems of leaving things as they are, but to be fair defying existence, logic, and law is like the most basic thing Chaos does, which is why it causes impossibilities to exist, a paradox. In which both sides are true until one is chosen. As far the point about avatars though, I actually remember seeing something on that. If I find it I'll let you know.

Well it does mention that Orphan's Cradle materializes data as physical matter, which would imply that's an extension of Chaos and Chaos is actively deadly, it also defines fragments which as mentioned are nuggets of info. It's pretty much the same reason FF's sister series has Type 2 info resistance

I think Tarta mentioned it in Spiritual Energy last year that summons were elemental. Though if that doesn't work, Lightning can hold a sword made of fire (I recommend slowing the video down to it's slowest speed since it can be easy to miss). Outside of FFXIII, Jack are shown to straight up grab projectiles. Which include elemental magic like fireballs and wind projectiles.

Well here's an entire army sacrificing their souls in exchange to summon Alexander

Sorry this took a while.
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For the Odin case it’s less of him slashing through space and time generally and more specifically he’s trying to ignore any obstacles and distance to hit you instantly. The best example I can mention is Noel’s Bolverk where she’s not just breaking space, but the target she’s aiming at is literally hit at an instant due to the shot ignoring space and literally any and all obstacles when Bolverk is shot. Odin would need something akin to that where he’d just hit that exact spot to ignore the distance gap as opposed to generally slicing through space and time.

The Yuel being removed from the pages of history feels a bit too metaphorical. As for the Akashic records literally appearing I can kinda see it, though I feel like possibly plot manipulation would be a better alternative with that in mind.

Did he no sell it? The first clip kinda shows him fading from existence. I’m not the most familiar with 13’s story so you’re gonna have to educate me on when Snow no selled the paradox.

It probably would require a site wide revision depending on how many verses gave all natures of NEP, but that’s for another time.

Is Orphan confirmed to be channeling chaos when he made that realm? If so it could help with the resistance. Yeah not really sure using KH is a good example, not really convinced that they’re controlling info from that text alone.

Yeah the summons currently have no justification for being incorporeal or intangible. That FF7 blog specifically has an enemy which is literally just fire itself so it’s obvious on the elemental intangibility. If that sword is indeed made of fire then I guess that can work.

Yeah I guess that looks fine.
For the Odin case it’s less of him slashing through space and time generally and more specifically he’s trying to ignore any obstacles and distance to hit you instantly. The best example I can mention is Noel’s Bolverk where she’s not just breaking space, but the target she’s aiming at is literally hit at an instant due to the shot ignoring space and literally any and all obstacles when Bolverk is shot. Odin would need something akin to that where he’d just hit that exact spot to ignore the distance gap as opposed to generally slicing through space and time.

The Yuel being removed from the pages of history feels a bit too metaphorical. As for the Akashic records literally appearing I can kinda see it, though I feel like possibly plot manipulation would be a better alternative with that in mind.

Did he no sell it? The first clip kinda shows him fading from existence. I’m not the most familiar with 13’s story so you’re gonna have to educate me on when Snow no selled the paradox.

It probably would require a site wide revision depending on how many verses gave all natures of NEP, but that’s for another time.

Is Orphan confirmed to be channeling chaos when he made that realm? If so it could help with the resistance. Yeah not really sure using KH is a good example, not really convinced that they’re controlling info from that text alone.

Yeah the summons currently have no justification for being incorporeal or intangible. That FF7 blog specifically has an enemy which is literally just fire itself so it’s obvious on the elemental intangibility. If that sword is indeed made of fire then I guess that can work.

Yeah I guess that looks fine.
Alright I'm sure this will be looked more into in the future, but I'll gladly shelve this for now. Anyway thanks for clarifying the stuff in regards to magic. I've removed it entirely from the revision above entirely. Fun fact, she's also my main.

I also mentioned fragments too, which hold both memories and stories of all things, and as it ties to the Crystal, this would apply to the Akashic Records as well

Well he just left the era Serah and Noel were currently in, but he didn't die. It was revealed he got teleported to the Coliseum (An arena that exists outside Space-Time) to engage in a promo battle against Gilgamesh. Though there are other scans that I can provide if this doesn't cut it since the exact same thing happens to Lightning herself, which in turn re-wrote history to make it so that she was crystalized at the end of the first game, despite that not being what happens, and yet she just keeps on keeping on. I should have mentioned this before so that's my bad, 13-2's story does get confusing with the whole time travel paradox stuff.

Well when that revision comes and if it the majority of mods agree that this shouldn't be the case. I can always just change it back to what it was before.

Yes. Chaos is being channeled at all time, since it's everywhere and defines everything. It is also mentioned to form and make the worlds complete, which would extend to Orphan's Cradle. Does that help?
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I guess that could work for plot manipulation. Just make sure the Akashic records and the story stuff is mentioned to help it be more literal instead of figuratively.

I guess it could work?? I'd have to play 13-2 to understand the ins and outs of the time travel shenanigans to better grasp that side of the story.

Then ok I guess that’s fine.
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Alright, I'll go ahead and edit the description regarding the Akashic Records a little later. With that every everything is settled