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I understood what you were saying, it was just bad prasing on my part, my apologies. I personally believe the First Siege was led by Radahn and the second by Godrick though.I think you're a bit confused, the second siege is the one Morgott defended and the one I'm saying Radahn initiated. Radahn defended Leyndell from Godrick in the first siege.
Godrick is a pathetic jerk who thinks too highly of himself. The guy isn't Radahn or Morgott, he has no loyalty, not a shred of honor, no genuine feat to back up his claims, he's unbearable. Malenia trashing him for insulting her is notable because this is the only time she brutalizes someone like that in the lore and it's brought up as something significant at least for Godrick. It seems she did that not because she felt insulted but she felt insulted by him, a pathetic excuse for a lord with zero genuine martial feat daring to talk her down afetr all she had done and defeated. It's the equivalent of martial arts novice insulting a marine with a decade of experience at fighting, putting him in his place was not only done because of her honor but also because he deserved every bit of it.I'm not saying she fought Radahn for the hell of it, I'm saying that there are multiple factors at play in her decision making.
1. She clearly cared about her honor as per why she went and fought Godrick after he personally insulted her, as per why challenging Radahn during a war between Demigods isnt out of character.
It's entire possible she got some information that led her to belive Miquella was in Caelid rather than anywhere else. Again, I know I repeat myself but the Mohgwyn palace where Miquella is detained in his cocoon is put exactly under Aeonia Swamp. It's outright impossible it's just a design coincidence, it's way too significant.2. Radahn holding the stars means that everyone's fate remains stagnant and Miquella would not succeed in separating himself and Melania from the influence of the Greater Will, so his defeat would mean that Miquella's plan could be fulfilled. Much like how Ranni required the Tarnished to kill Radahn so that way she could kill her two fingers and initiate the Age of Stars.
Except that there is no way for her to get to Moghwyn Palace in Caelid, the only ways that we are able to get to Moghwyn Palace is through a gateway teleporter in the Consecrated Snowfield, which Malenia would have had to pass by in order to get to Caelid. On top of that no one knows where Mogh is, not
even Morgott, so I don't really understand how Malenia would even get that information.
Yes, and nothing we learn about him suggests anything remotely close to military intentions or a need to kill people, let alone sending his beloved sister against perhaps the only guy in the LB who not only could be a genuine challenge for her but was so strong and skilled he actually had more than a genuine shot at potentially killing her.Miquella doesn't really have characterization, everything we learn about him is through item descriptions and character dialogue. Yes he was kind and open-minded, but that doesn't mean he didn't use military might when necessary. Seeing as how the stars decided everyone's fate and Radahn controlled the stars, I don't see anyone else capable of defeating Radahn that Miquella could send, it was Melania or no one.
I'm gonna gather everything you said about stars here. All of Miquella's efforts were focused on creating the Haligtree and crafting the Needles. Literally, everything in his lore is centered around these two things. All his work was put into these two specific elements. Why? Because he didn't need anything else. He didn't need for Radahn to die so the stars could be released. All he need, he already had it. Look at the Haligtree, it's not Edtree-size but it's gigantic enough to contain a Leyndell-like city, the tree was already enormous and clearly growing and well on its way to serve its purpose. Meaning that Miquella's plans were advancing even without the stars. Not only that but his needles not only proved themselves strong enough to stop Scarlet Rot infection (the influence of an Outer God) as long as put in someone's body but they can also destroy the influence of the Frenzied Flame, an Outer God stronge enough to burn the Edtree and really the entire world to ashes almost instantly, and that's the unfinished version that needs to be put in Placidusax's lair to work and the description of Miquella's needle makes it clear it was only one of the needles he created and implies the others were finished. Everything he needed to replace the Edtree was already at hand, stars or not. He literally had not reason for Radahn to die because him blocking the stars clearly had zero influence over his plans. The ONLY reason he failed was because of Mohg abducting him, that's it. Why would he need the stars if his plans were moving in the right direction without them?Two Fingers or not, the Greater Will still apparently has a power over Emyreans, Two Fingers just seem to make it easier to directly manipulate one. Also it isnt just themselves that Miquella wishes to free from the Greater Will, but the outside world. This is why Miquella wanted to create the Haligtree, to serve as a vessel similar to the Erdtree but outside the control of an Outer God.
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