hmmmm, I can accept you having good taste then. But I shall not tolerate DBS:SH slander.
I don't think content wise it's the worst year, we got Sparking Zero which was a very good return to the BT series (Albeit some of the inital gameplay mechancics pre patches were abhorrent, gonna have nightmares about Android 19) and the first half of Daima that aired the last few months was pretty good which is too be expected since Toriyama was super hands on with it compared to say Super or GT. I'd certainly put it above the early to mid 2010's (Besides 2013) for the series, which granted not saying much it's like saying 2024 was better for Sonic compared to... the entire 21st century so far, but I'd consider it a overall solid year overall and while not the best, far from the worst in content.
But I would consider it the worst year purely because of Toriyama's death. It's coming up to a year since it happened and Dragon Ball can't ever be the same without him, man was a legend.