>Still no two context, one is used to describe how the universe will be and the other is used to describe how the world of void is, the meaning is the same in both, unless you have proof.
Except there is 2 context because the universe and the World of Void are NOT the same thing. That is the problem. The context of what the universe would end up as =/= the context of what the World of Void is. Thus, "void" is being used in different contexts in different situations.
The burden of proof is on you to prove Beerus and Goku would have turned the universe into something akin to the World of Void, otherwise its pure speculation and wank to take what "void" was meant for something else and apply it to this particular situation.
>Based on what?
Based on it being called a "vaccum of nothingness", vaccum meaning a space devoid of matter. So now you need to prove that "void" in the context of this case is the same as the context of the World of Void's case instead of just assuming it is.
>and any Proof of that ? no ? cool, the actual show disagree and used Void to describe a timeless, spaceless place and nothing else, so your point is still invalid, try agai
First of all, stop with the attitude. You were called out on this before to drop it and debate this civilly. I am doing that and you need to as well.
Second of all, I dont care what the "show disagrees with" because the show is going off of hyperbole. And we know its hyperbole because of the blatant contradictions against it being a "timeless and spaceless void". So hiding behind what the show says doesnt help you because they are wrong.
Third, the show doesnt even describe "voids" being without time and space. It's describing the World of Void being without time and space, not voids in general. And its wrong anyway because of the evidence going against the WoV being timeless and spaceless. What the World of Void is =/= all other voids, stop assuming they are.
>Once again, read above, no two context desperate cop out unless you have proof that they meant something different the first time and you don't, so once again you are objectively and purely wrong here.
And see above again. They are 2 different situations using "void" in 2 different contexts. And thats pushing it since the only justification for "void" being described without space-time is going off of the name "World of Void". And like I pointed out before, unless you want a Low 2-C SSJ4 Gogeta because of "Big Bang Kamehameha", it should be clear on why using titles as arguments is bullshit and this is no different. Even if it was, it still doesn't mean a thing.
And I don't know why your saying "cop out" like context doesn't matter. When it absolutely does and anyone on this wiki would tell you the same thing.
>And no, it's still not an hyperbole, try again.
"And no" is not an argument. Prove its not hyperbole then. Or else it is.
>Except it was, on screen, it was canonicaly used to describe that, a timeless, spaceless void and it was given no other definition or use.
No it wasn't. The show never used anything akin to "a void is a timeless, spaceless void." The show instead says that the World of Void is a timeless, spaceless void, clearly saying that only the World of Void is timeless and spaceless, not any void in the verse in general. Meaning, this applies only to the context of the World of Void.
And even then, the statement is bullshit because evidence proves the World of Void itself has time and space and is indeed not without either.
>Still no two context of the word, still a single definition for void used in-universe and so your argument is still wrong and void meant they'd destroy the space time too.
And i'll again say read above because there is 2 contexts of the word. The void in Beerus and Goku's case is not the same thing as the World of Void. 2 different situations, therefore 2 different contexts of "void". Simple as that.
>I am not making any assumption, the world of void has no space nor time, as the show itself directly state, you're the one trying to debunk canon with random 'bu-bu-but muh two context'.
Because, like I said above, context matters for a reason and we arent going to discard it just so one verse gets a free pass.
Anyway, you are making an assumption because your argument assumes that just because the World of Void is stated to lack time and space (which is also wrong for the 10th time), any other void in the verse lacks time and space too. Like in Beerus and Goku's situation of destroying the universe. And thats bullshit.
>Not all voids are made of the same thing but Void was only used in a single way in cano
For the World of Void, not voids in general. So again, "timeless and spaceless" only applies to the context of the World of Void. You can't treat another situation as having the same context without explicit evidence.
>so when brough up at another point in time, we use that definition to conclude on what they meant, so once again, it would be the same kind of void until proven otherwise because that's all the indication we have.
See above. The "definition" was never generalized whatsoever, it was used specifically for the World of Void. And its still wrong because of evidence debunking it lacking time and space when it indeed does have time and space.
So for the 100th time, dont take what void meant in one context and apply to another to treat them the same when they are not the same. They are different.
>Once again, Hit bring his own time with his dimension of litteral time, that's how he can use his ability.
Yes and how would a dimension of literal time be able to exist, let alone operate, in a place where time is non-existent? It can't. So the fact that it can work in the World of Void proves that the World of Void is indeed a place where time exists.
I dont care what the ability is, what actually matters is the portrayl of it. Hit would never be able to actually use a stored amount of time in a place where time doesnt exist.
>It is a debunk, you'd get how if you actualy though about it, Clocks aren't just giant slab of rocks without any mechanism being moved purely through the power of an established reality warper.
And again, this is completely irrelevant. A clock can be made of metal, glass, fire, plastic, literally anything and it doesn't take away from the actual purpose it serves. It's purpose is to tell time, no matter what its made out of and that's exactly what Grand Priests clock did. Again, what something is doesn't influence what its purpose is.
>No, i am not new, which is why i know your tentative to claim 'muh hyperbol' as an argument is pure nonsense, just whinning about it mean nothing, you have to prove it.
And its a good thing it is proven. Hits time abilities working, GP's clock working, a time-limit on the tournament, they are all evidence of the void not lacking time. So claiming hyperbole when there's reason behind it is absolutely not nonsense. Now its your job to prove its not and you've failed wholefully at that at this point.
>Nope, still not false, your opinion <<<<<< What the show directly and canonicaly say, the world of void has no space nor time.
And what is shown >>>>>> what the show says, which is exactly what my "opinion" is based on. So not false in the slightest. What a show says is not absolute.
>No, once again, it apply to every usage of the word void until it is explicitly used in another way and it is 100% supported by the only definition of a void we are ever given in the entier dragon ball franchise.
And for the 100th time, again, its not the definition of a void in DB. It's the definition of what the World of Void specifically is, which is also wrong evidence proves that its wrong, so this doesnt even apply to anything. But even if it could, it only applies to the World of Void, nothing more.
Your point here is to literally ignore all context because you want all usages of a word (Which comes from a title not to mention) to be exactly the same for the sake of an upgrade, which is absolutely ridiculous.
>Want to know what has no evidence at all ? not even a shred of one even counting the video game ? that dragon ball ever used 'void' to describe an empty universe with an intact space time, that absolutly never happened, there is no such definition of void given anywhere.
Except what the Old Kai says in response to Beerus and Goku's clashing. That they'd turn the universe into a "A Vaccum of Nothingess", vacuum meaning exactly that. Space devoided of all matter.
And even then, there's no definition of "void" meaning timeless and spaceless either, the only description of this is for the World of Void, which once again, is proven wrong.