But you also claim to not have read it, and thus cannot accurately make such a claim since you literally do not have the necessary information to make such a comparison.
And then when you responded to the initial post, you just said "
You're wrong," and didn't explain why. For example, you didn't substantiate why a larger time axis moving in the same direction wouldn't qualify, nor did you substantiate it not actually being allowed. Mind you, DT is literally quoted explaining in part of the initial post Profectus made that Hypertimelines in that way
can grant L1-C, it's just not
inherent to being a Hypertimeline and a Hypertimeline
can function without being a L1-C structure. Your response is just "okay but I helped make the new standard, so I know what it means." (States things that are not in the actual standard page and directly contradicts DT's testimony, who is one of the top people who are used to sus out how Tier 1 functions.)
"None of your scans indicate Higher Dimensions."
Okay, do you want to explain
Oh no, you just moved on. Didn't explain, elaborate, or grant explanation to why this is the case.
Whilst you're not saying anything incrimininating, you
are saying things that don't adequately or accurately represent your opponent's position and doesn't counter their position, either. Like, legitimately, the Dragon Ball supporters of this thread (of which I am NOT) are floundering trying to find an answer to your claims because your claims are just: "
Nuh uh, and you're just writing these giant posts to cloud the fact you're wrong."
They literally can't respond to you because there is
nothing worth/nothing TO respond to.
TL;DR could you please do more than just say no and...uh...you know, ACTUALLY ENGAGE in discussion?