Yin Yang is correlated with Chi, Ki, Qi, which is the energy generated by it; it is therefore the essence of energy, and the structure is in balance via its own energy. Yin and Yang are two sides of the same coin. And the coin is chi. Chi is the logical vital energy, and the balance is partly maintained by it, because to return to being supported by Yin Yang, whose essence is chi, is to be maintained by energy.
Cliquez ici pour découvrir les concepts de base de la énergétique traditionnelle chinoise. Yin et Yang, Qi, climats, saisons : comment tous ces concepts vous accompagnent dans la vie de tous les jours pour harmoniser votre corps et votre esprit.
It would therefore be logical that here Yin Yang = Chi, a structure linked to a maintained Yin Yang balance, supported by its balance and with all the evidence demonstrated it is necessarily a significant affection of Yin Yang I see no other possibility.