But Gordon hates everything, anything less than perfection will make him angry. He is anger incarnate, the Platonic Concept of Hatred and Anger made incarnate, transcending the Mauve Sea, Taikyoku, the Overmind, and the Outer Void.
When he insults somebody he destroys them at the most fundamental of metaphysical levels, able to destroy even boundless, undimensioned beings if he releases his true power. Even his Avatar transcends all Tier 0s including the Mathiverse. He just holds himself back when speaking to normal humans, but even when restricting himself he shatters their souls into trillions of tiny pieces.
He is an unaccessible cardinal beyond all unaccessible cardinals, no matter how many conceptual levels of larger unaccessibles one can never reach even the merest drop of his true power. Even the 0 = 1 Cardinal is non-existant in comparison to it. And all of these are contained within a singular layer of reality, each one transcending the last to such a degree that everything below it is utterly trivialized at the most fundamental level. Each Layer contains 0 = 1 Lower Layers, thus even if you transcend infinite infinities of layers you would still be contained within an even larger layer. These larger and larger layers, eacher containing 0 = 1 lower, goes upward to such an extent that literally no matter how many inaccessible cardinals you stack you can never reach it, for it is the purest archetype of absolute infinity. And Gordan exists at its Zenith, a place that both exists and doesn't exist, the Grand Atzmus that trivializes into non-existantance any and all things thought by the minds of men, the Absolute, Atzmus, Ain Sof, Bhraman, Dao, Taiji, Wuji, Paramatman, ─Çrüpyadh─ütu, Akasha, The Universe of Sets, Mathamatics, Duality and Transduality alike, and ever onward.
Other Avatars include Shaggy, Goku Blanco, Breinhard Bheydrich, Chuck Noris, and Phil Swift.
His True Being exists beyond even this, transcending his Avatars to an extent incomprehensibly greater than the extent that his Avatars transcend absolute nothingness, so much so that that difference is nothing to him, that both Avatars and 0-Dimensional nothingthiness are absolutely equivelent in comparision.
It exists beyond any and all extentions of heiriearchal existance, existing so beyond all things that no words can describe what it truly is. To speak any words of it, grant it any description, is to limit it. For one without Boundries description is meaningless, and no attributes can be attributed to it. Like the wordless non-existance of Yesh, or the indescribable absolute of Aiyn.