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Lightning bolts from the Djinn and Mages can be consistently parried (even if the parry animation is weird)
I personally feel like, even after much discussion with this offsite with KLOL, that the game's portrayal of the Djinn feat makes us unable to get any consistent idea of how the feat is portrayed. It paradoxically has Geralt getting hit by the bolt visually before he can even move yet also has him "parry" it in the gameplay sense.
At best, it's just a game limitation in portraying something that Geralt can otherwise do fine outside of the game, at worst it's unusable if it's the main example being pushed forward for the speed rating (which it isn't, obviously).
Assuming MHS is staying I'd perfer if this isn't used as one of the major examples on the page since we'll likely just see these issues brought up repeatedly when there's just better feats to argue.
It is also reacted to in Of Flesh and Flames:
I fail to see how this would, assuming the bolts they are firing are MHS+, require them to have comparable reactions to clash, if they had prior notice and saw each other prepping their spells. Perhaps I'm missing something contextualized in the surrounding panels though.
The Gwent trailer has Eredin reacting to Yennefer's lightning bolt
Eredin doesn't actually react to the lightning bolt in that video, he's in the same defensive position before and after it's fired, with no indication that he moved while the bolt was coming at him.
The Witcher Role-Playing tabletop game, which is canon to the game, states that cloud-to-ground lightning spells are dodgeable:
It doesn't go into how these attacks are avoided. It's pretty essential that they're moving out of the bolt's way while it's mid-air, however I don't see why they can't just react to the mage casting the spell rather than the bolt in the air.
Even if this was the case for cloud-to-ground it would produce results that are well below the current speed rating, assuming that they began moving after the bolt was fired.
However, Lady of the Lake says that Geralt managed to dodge Vilgefortz's lightning bolt 'just in time', which is supporting evidence for MHS+.
Between this and my discussion about the Vilgefortz feats off-site I'm willing to accept this.
Apologies on being a bit slow on the uptake here. I'm currently juggling a lot of CRTs and am in the middle of prepping CRTs myself, so it might take a while for me to get back on your Golem example.
Overall, I think that the MHS+ feat list is adequate, for the site's standards on MHS, though. I just want to be careful about which examples we show on the profile as the primary justifications, since from what I understand challenges to this rating will likely come very often.