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Mr. Bambu
Mr Bambu gave permission to make this thread regarding what we discussed in his profile wall and in the VSBW RVR thread... so here it is.
Site Rules
The VS Battles Wiki is a community with a large number of active users, most of whom are dedicated to discussing and indexing statistics of characters from a variety of fictional franchises. However, maintaining proper conduct and behavior among the large and active user base of this community...
Editing Rules
The VS Battles Wiki presently consists of 35,412 pages, most of them listing the statistics of characters across different fictional franchises. However, there is a tremendous amount of work involved in maintaining the accuracy of statistics and upholding a high quality for the profiles. In...
Discussion Rules
VS Battles Wiki is a site where the members attempt to index the statistics of characters across different fictional franchises. These efforts lead to much discussion about certain feats, statements and calculations regarding their validity, reliability, etc. However, certain topics keep popping...
Versus Thread Rules
The VS Battles Wiki is mainly a site that attempts to index the statistics of characters across many different fictional franchises. However, as the site name implies, we also allow our members to pit fictional characters against each other in hypothetical matchups for entertainment purposes...
For each rule, could we specify what the expected punishments are for each rule breach, at least for the ones that have not already had explicitly stated punishments?
For example, in Site Rules:
We need to explicitly state what perpetrators are likely to face if they attempt/commit these acts as a further clear deterrence against rule-breaking.This is supposed to be a nice community where all of our members try to be considerate and respectful to each other, to collaborate, have fun together, and be free to pay positive attention to themselves in a safe environment. Do not be toxic, mean, or abusive to other members.
Refrain from spamming, trolling, threatening, using derogatory comments of any form (ethnic, homophobic, belittling the physically disabled or mentally ill, et cetera), and rude, vulgar, sexist, et cetera offensive language. We do not tolerate any form of bigotry in any direction whatsoever. Furthermore, do not instigate drama or toxicity...
do not become obnoxious, unreasonable, or overly argumentative, and do not engage in any other, previously mentioned, disallowed behaviors.
Discussions regarding hypothetical tier placements of figures from current religions are also not allowed, as the community wishes to avoid heated arguments. Avoid VS debating with deities featured in modern religions unless it is a comics, games, tv, etc version of that deity. It is both controversial and impractical to bring up the contents of religious scriptures.
Death threats of any form, even obscure ones, will absolutely not be tolerated.
Please don't show severe irrational bias. For example, saying things such as Archie Sonic is Omnipotent, that Naruto Uzumaki can solo Marvel, or that Giorno Giovanna can solo all of fiction.
Impersonating other members is not allowed.
Off-site behavior is usually irrelevant except in cases of:
- Actions that lead to the destabilization of the site (such as videos, forum posts, Discord chats, etc. that create drama), whether or not it was systematic. To determine what counts as destabilization of the site one should mostly look at the consequences of said act rather than the individual act itself.
- Actions taken against another user off-site of such a nature that could reasonably cause undue harm and/or distress for the other user in on-site interactions. This includes, but is not limited to: harassment, threats of violence or similar harmful actions, unsolicited sexual misconduct, impersonation, hacking, and doxing.
- Actions made off-site that could be reasonably construed as inconducive to the safety and/or wellbeing of a user, or a denomination of users, in on-site interactions. This includes, but is not limited to: threats directed towards particular demographics (i.e.: racial, gendered, sexual, and/or religiously motivated threats to commit violent acts), obscenities of an implicative nature (i.e.: rhetorical attacks on cultural groups, sexual comments towards minors), and involvement with known hate groups.
- Engaging in online criminal activity (Not including piracy).
Additionally, pertaining to clarification...
Regarding the languages, could we edit this part of Site Rules to this (adding in the bracketed portion)? I feel like this should at least allow more people to join us by avoiding potentially discriminating against other cultures and/or ways of life while still being able to reconcile with the letter and/or spirit of the rules in a way.
The VS Battle Wiki is an English-language platform, and all users are required to communicate in English.
This policy applies to all members of this wiki and our forum, including within discussion threads, as well as any other areas of this platform where communication occurs.
Exceptions are made for scans or other visual materials for which translations must be provided in English.
(Members who are not fluent in English but are fluent in other languages may utilise off-site translators to translate and then send/write the English translations of the text they intend to send/write.)
As for one other part, can we edit it from this:
to this? (for sake of reducing ambiguity)Finally, take note that we do not enforce some of these regulations because we are censorship-happy and do not believe in the freedom of speech. The wiki is simply hard enough to manage as it is for the staff, and the rules are necessary to ensure that the task is not impossible.
Finally, take note that the enforcement of these regulations is not because we are censorship-happy or do not believe in the freedom of speech. The wiki is simply hard enough to manage as it is for the staff, and the rules are necessary to ensure that the task is not impossible.
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