Season 1 (Iconic, has only the original 10 and it's the most limited)
Season 2 (Gain Cannonbolt and Wildvine, Losses Ghostfreak, more experienced with his aliens, has Master Control for a bit)
Season 3 (Gains Blitzwolfer, Snare-Oh, Frankenstrike, True Form Ghostfreak and Upchuck, more experienced and all that other shit)
Season 4 & Post-Series specials (Gains Eye Guy, Way Big and Ditto, learns and gains other shit, Destroy All Aliens gets lumped here too)
OV Flashbacks (Gains Arctiguana & Ffeedback but losses the latter, more experienced, watch basically has no cooldown and rarely mistransforms, aliens should be a bit stronger since they're 1 year older and uses his expanded roster more...still not using his anur aliens ; - ; )