Supernatural willpower means he will endure the pressure points better and longer than Ayanokoji who doesn’t have it will be able to.
Koji has an astronomic stamina advantage lol
Just like Koji has ANPR , gray has it too.
Blantantly ignoring potency?
Koji can predict via posture, intentions and so on
Plus has a massive scaling chain in ANPR
Albert < Suzune < Manabu < Ichika << (Stomps) Takuya =< Yuki = Shiro < Tsukishiro <<< (Stomps to oblivion) Koji
This fight boils down to who can get the advantage through stats hax since they both approach fighting the same way.
Koji one shots with pressure points and dura neg, Your point?
Gary is the only one with stat hax which would give him the edge needed to beat Ayanokouji.
Irrelevant when he can't even touch Koji
Nor can he overcome Koji with speed
Thats not his cautious nature he was making an assessment of how pressure points work using the information he knows about the topic. Which he does for everything, you are changing the narrative adding things that were never mentioned, which is another reason it’s hard to count votes because it’s not canon or valid.
You are the one giving false information what??
It has shown to be effective against people with similar physical stats as him. He has never used pressure points on someone 6.8x more durable than his attacks which Gray is so everything he is used to would change since the opponent is far more durable.
Pressure points don't work like that wtf
Pressure points are legit weak points where the concept of durability hardly applies
He has statements stating Manabu can one shot him, Ibuki can give him a concussion, said he can’t afford to be hit by Albert more than once, the pain from catching Albert’s fist rang through his arm up to his shoulder.
This is completely and utterly false, You are taking things too literally
Koji tanks Albert attacks who is more powerful than Manabu with no issue
Ayanokoji is very comparable to the students,
Misinformation and utterly false
he is simply more skilled. PP working on cote characters don’t mean they will work on weak hero characters who are far more durable
Invalidating abilities now?
You didn’t read my argument properly. The person said Kouji would just slam him and beat him. I said gray knows Kouji uses aikido and has ANPR.
Bruh Albert tried to predict Koji only to get hit in the throat wtf
You can’t dismiss grays ANPR and empowerment while making the case for only koji’s ANPR
I didn't dismiss shit
I gave counter arguments on why Gray's ANPR is weak as shit compared to Koji's ANPR and also explained why empowerement doesn't work, You
KEEP ignoring me for some reason