And so the counting begins...
Agree: DarkDragonMedeus (same as Planck69), Elizhaa (same as Planck69), LordGriffin1000 (same as Planck69 plus Immortality Negation), Deagonx (fully), Planck69 (Removing Thesus from ESP justification, Body Puppetry for Sirens, Telekinesis for Persephone, Life Manipulation for Oceanus, and Resistances to Helios's Status Effect Inducement; give Zeus limited Resistance to Sirens' ability), KingTempest (same as Planck69), AbaddonTheDisappointment (same as Planck69 plus Immortality Negation, Transmutation, Durability Negation, Power Nullification, Reactive Evolution, Empowerment, Resistance to Power Absorption, and Resistance to Sleep Manipulation)
Disagree: DarkDragonMedeus (same as Planck69), Elizhaa (same as Planck69), LordGriffin1000 (same as Planck69 minus Immortality Negation), Planck69 (literally everything else not in Agree or Neutral), KingTempest (same as Planck69), AbaddonTheDisappointment (same as Planck69 minus abilities mentioned to agree with removing above)
Neutral: DarkDragonMedeus (same as Planck69), Elizhaa (same as Planck69), LordGriffin1000 (same as Planck69), Planck69 (removing Transmutation and Dura Neg for Spear of Destiny and Resistance to Advanced NPI for Power of Hope), KingTempest (same as Planck69), AbaddonTheDisappointment (same as Planck69)