But it is mercer. Mercer does break several laws of physics but to suggest he somehow did so in such a way that he survives the heat of a nuke requires alot of speculation. Why not use occams razor and assume he was disintergrated and reformed?
Why would we use the on that require more assumption? It require far less speculation to think mercer is fully incenerated and reformed from the ashes/vapors. Mercer is in that chair, he is burning from the inside out before the fireball consumes him.
So what? You think mercer wasn't in that helicopter, that isn't mercer burning up in nuclear fire?
Im not saying there is one equivlant, just that we have three scenes to base mercers regening off of in total. And three scenes for mercers durability. Prototype isn't rich with with feats to examine to dissmiss this one seems wrong.This is mercers best showing, and it shows him burning in nuclear fire and returning.
Theres a time gap between mercers burning and his return likly took between several hours to several days seeing as the visible effects of the nuclear blast are no where to be seen.
Its certainly possible he survived one of the ways you describe but occams razor dictates disintergrated and returns as anything else requires far more speculation.
Kevin is the worlds best girl name....
If he was burned to ash/vapor as logic dictates he likly focused on pulling himself back together/regenerating, turning him into the black slime we see at the end. Why would he reform anywhere else? Dana is in the city.
To assume some part of him survives requires alot in the way of assumptions, far more than assuming he simply reformed after the nuke burned him away. Especially since we get a timeskip of either a few hours to a few days. As no visible signs of the nuke remain.
We cant consider it an outlier as its one of mercers only feats, like I said earlier prototype isnt overflowing with feats to examine when it comes to character abilities. If we dismiss the nuke feat we might as well dimiss the four or so other cutscene feats we have.
In the end Im okay with possibly mid high regen I just feel its going to end up being a point of contention in several fights. (The joke of mercer having like any fights
) As it will be the determing factor in several battles.
Actually being dropped in the ocean doesn't make it any cooler from what Ive read. if anything it allows the radiation to bond to more substances as it can transform both hydrogen and oxygen into radioactive isotopes. The visible mushroom cloud means the nuke couldn't reach an appropriate depth to lessen the heat/impact.
Mercer should have dropped the bomb sooner and closer to manhatten so it could actually sink to a depth where being dropped in water would help contain the blast. It would have left huge amount of radioactive isotopes and super heated radioactive sea water but it would have lessened the power of the blast.
Than again it would be liable to cause massive waves that would damage the city so maybe he cut the nuke explosion close to the surface on purpose? To avoid creating massive waves....
edit if any part of this comes across as rude I aplogize as thats not my intent.