Doug Houser
Doug Houser is the main protagonist of Dark Deception. After departing from the mortal realm to seek redemption for his corrupt past, Doug comes across a woman named Bierce in a pocket dimension. Bierce offers to change his fate (likely referring to punishment) in exchange for obtaining pieces...
Gold Watchers
The Gold Watchers (sometimes called The Watchers) are some of the many antagonists of Dark Deception. They are the twisted souls of humans, who were corrupted by greed, turned into living golden statues because in life they valued only wealth and are now cursed to be encased in the very gold...
Agatha (Dark Deception)
Agatha is one of the many antagonists of Dark Deception. She is the spirit of a once innocent little girl who was corrupted by her own rage and sadness upon a traumatic experience in her living life, and a malevolent spirit was born from that suffering. As a monster of the Nightmares, she is the...